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Sarah's 2013 Whole100 Journal... who's with me??


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Day 3

Today I had work again (the only sucky thing about being a student is working weekends!!), I actually really enjoyed my shift though. After work I did some more of my accounting assignment.. happy to announce that one is nearly finished. And then I went to a bodypump class with a friend this evening. Also called mum and dad up and had a nice long chat. Always love chatting with mum! Today has been b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l so I wonder if thats why I'm feel so good??

exercise: 6 hours working on feet + body pump class

b/f: 4 eggs scrambled w/ onions, tomatoes + mayo

lunch: chicken drumstick skin-on w/ mushrooms, pumpkin + mayo

dinner: apple pork burger patty, 1 boiled egg w/ pumpkin, carrots, zucchini + my old fav mayo

* may have another snack before bed if I feel hungry (I know we are not meant to, but i'm not risking the night time eating relapse again!!)

Have a good one all xx

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I may well be the biggest disaster the whole30 has seen, but I am seriously want to do this guys! I had a bit of a bad afternoon today and have just gone really off track :( I think it was after I had some night eating again last night. I came home from the gym, felt great, had a big dinner and a smaller meal before bed and felt not hungry at all. Went to bed. Woke up at 2am and ate about 5 big spoonfuls of almond flour, some ghee and half a can of crushed tomatoes.

It just frustrates me soo much. I make a big effort to eat healthy, eat enough, not exercise too much during the day and then even if i do a 60 minute pump class i still wake up at 2am to stuff my face. and yet some people can just start eating healthy and running and lose like a kg a week. My night eating had pretty much stopped, but now its back again :( I don't know if its because I joined the gym again or because its meant to be that time of the month soon or what is up? Maybe I need to worry about it less? I just want to not have to worry about it at all. I just swear that if I didn't have this problem I would have a much easier time maintaining (atleast) or losing some weight.

I don't do ANY cardio at the moment (i do weights/yoga 3-4 times a week, but nothing excessive) ... Not cause I don't want to. Im actually too scared. I think I would love to start running again, but I am worried it will make this night eating thing get worse... :(

I know I am over the healthy weight range for my height/size. I am even starting to get love handles. So it's not like I don't have weight to lose. Am I too young and stupid for this program to work?

I try not to obsess about food too much (eg I have other things going on in my life.. study/work/friends etc)

I really want to stick 100% to the whole 30, but I feel like when I get up in the night and eat half the contents of the fridge that it's not really being very compliant with the program (even if I am eating compliant foods). And Its not really something I seem to be able to help at 2am... trust me if there was a way I knew of that would help me to not do this then I would try it. I really want to cry right now, its so frustrating. I have googled this stuff so please don't suggest googling it.

I just want to know if anyone knows of anything I can try??

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I can only suggest time!

Some good things about this Sarah!

Your night time meal was compliant! Protein, fat and vegetables! I think that's pretty awesome.

A website I followed that lead me here suggests the time you wake up correlates with processes in your body. Is it always 2am you wake up?

For example 11pm-1am is lung problems (allergies, asthma), 1am-3am is gall bladder, 3am-5am is liver (hence why hangoverers wake up here). I always wondered why no matter what time of day I ate sausages lunch or dinner I woke up with stomach cramps at 2am..... maybe this can point you in the direction of where you are struggling.

Also it didnt contain sugar!... Can it be your blood sugar level causing you to wake?

When our bodies are toxic or not healthy we wake up during the night because our proper metabolic and digestive processes are not working the way they should... So in theory if you keep doing the whole30 eating long enough you will eventually get to a clean state where you wont wake up.

I would say weight issues are the least important for you just right now and it is more important to focus on 100% whole30 eating... is there anything you can do to make sure any night time snacks dont have any derailers (noncompliant items)???? These might delay the healing but if you can avoid them then I believe it is just a matter of time!

Would you consider posting on the trouble shooting your whole30 topic to see what people suggest for overcoming night time eating???

Hang in there... you cant be the biggest disaster, there are lots of people happliy posting noncompliant items they have eaten and they dont even realise! Thats worse than knowing you arent following the template as well as youd like or arent 100% compliant

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Thanks so much Juzbo. It really means a-lot to come on here and read what you have to say :) After today and reading your post I do feel a little better. I did think about posting in the trouble shooting section, but I have already posted something kind of like this before and i don't want people to start finding me annoying :( Before I was offered advice about eating more, which is great but I really do try to eat enough and dont go to bed hungry, I don't want to have to overthink about how much i am going to eat each evening/how much exercise I am going to do so that i won't wake up and eat at night :(

Yes I tend to wake up between 1 and 3am, sometimes as late as 4am though. And yes it was low blood sugars that I thought started this whole waking up in the night thing back when I was about 13.... I used to wake up with a low blood sugar and find it like a treat to be able to have a 2am snack. Fast forward 10 years and trying about 4045 things to stop me getting up, including locking doors/locking the fridge/leaving out snacks lol. I guess I have dealt with soo many eating issues in the last 10 years that its going to take longer than a few months to heal my metabolism (also with diabetes and celiacs on top of that!!)

I suppose you are right, I just need to keep at the program for longer. and perhaps leave out a compliant snack for my self in-case i do wake up.

OK so tomorrow will be day one again as i want off track X1 mill, had a pie and about 5 pieces of toast for dinner and breakfast was some more toast and had some diet fizzy. I actually have the worst headache right now, and when i had a compliant dinner tonight it tasted very good! I want to get right back to it.

Times are a little stressful at the moment as we are flat-hunting and i have exams coming up in a few weeks. I know for a fact when I am eating whole30 I feel alot better and am able to deal with everything much easier.

thanssk again so much for your support juzbo!

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Good on you for keeping on keeping on. I am also recounting, from yesterday. When I have finished 30 days I will add them on to what I have completed before. I know what you mean about feeling better... I find even eating wrongly when on the whole30 messes me up... Just two days of less snacking, better sleep and moderate exercise... Oh and NO coffee is making me feel a whole lot better.

I have done three courses since I left what we call secondary school at 18, a 4 year degree, a one year certificate and a 2 year masters the latter while working! I am done with exams for life! Horrible things! I sympathize with you!

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Haha yes damn exams way to stress a girl out!!!! Wow what have you got a masters in?

I started uni at 18 to do nursing, did 2 years of my nursing degree and decided it was not for me... the shift work etc would just play havoc on my diabetes :/ and although i (just) passed all my papers, I wasn't really very interested in them to be honest.

Now im studying business and (weird ino) but I am actually enjoying it :)

and yes I think its great that even though we are in different countries we can still talk, share tips and become good freinds... one of the great things about the modern internet world i suppose!

So today I wasn't gonna to go to the gym at 1st because I still felt "hung over" from eating off plan the last few days, but I got my lazy butt there in the end and did a balance class and 15 minutes on the x-cycle. I actually feel really good now after that. I am thinking that possibly one of the reasons i haven't been sleeping so well and have got up to eat a few times in the night is that I am not eating enough carbs. I had actually without realising reduced the amount of carbs I was having since ealier in january. I noticed this because I have to record all my protein and carbs in a diet program so i am able to give my corrct insulin doses. I don't record any fats and I am not super, super strict with recording all my food or anything and I actually wouldn't no how many calories i am eating daily so i believe thats fine and still fits with the whole30 approach.

anyway i am adding back in sweet patato because i want to exercise and i don't want to have to eat half a pumpkin at each meal to get my carbs. any one no of any other higher carb veges?? according to my diet tracker pumpkin/swede etc are still low in carbs compared with sweet patato.

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Thanks Juzbo. Next question... do you know any interesting ways of cooking parsnip?? I would always choose pumpkin or sweet potato/kumera as we call it here over parsnip.. but maybe that is just me :P I suppose yams would be quite high aswell?

Day One:

exercise 15mins x cycle, balance class

b/f 3 eggs, crushed tomatos, mayo

lunch baked salmon steak, sweet potato, zucchini

dinner pork burger patty, sweet potato, tomato, mixed veges

snack couple of carrots, peppermint tea

Feeling feeling allright today. having a few cravings this afternoon, didn't give in because i know i am not really hungry. sore tummy today, but i suppose that was probably due to eating off plan a couple days. i am gonna get this whole30 done :P

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We dont really have yams here, only sweet potato but I think you are right. I like baking parsnip whole if they are fresh, you can boil and mash/puree them maybe with another vegie like pumpkin and also bake slices or wedges to make 'chips'. I dont eat them often, dont really like them and they arent cheap here.

Glad you had a good day. I didnt sleep well and have woken up quite tired, sitting on the couch contemplating going for a run.....

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Just read you journal so now i know you did get your run in! good on ya! yeah i haven't seen yams here in while, i think they are seasonal and expensive. actually i was going to buy some sweet potatos at the supermarket yesterday, but they didn't have any. only these HUGE orange pumpkins, which i have never seen before except in american halloween movies! I didn't get one, just got 2 small butter cup pumpkins lol.

Day 2:

exercise: 35minutes/12km ex-cycle, 10minute treadmill..... im not a fan of too much cardio, but i neeeed to do some and although i love the body balance/pump/jam classes and none were on today, i am not really that into the other cardio exercise classes like attack/step/combat so thats why i decided to have a go on the cardio equipment. also i really want to get back into some running, but that seriously cannot happen until i get a new supportive sports bra!!! LOL.

b/f: 2 scrambled eggs, 1 pork apple pattie, crushed tomatoes + avocado on top

post w/o snack: 1 banana

lunch: chicken thigh, pumpkin, mixed vegetables, crushed tomato and mayo

dinner: beef gyro, pumpkin, sweet potato, mixed veges, crushed tomato and mayo

thoughts on food: today i felt alot better including more carbs, except after dinner i started to feel those funny sweet cravings. I checked my blood sugar and 15.5!!! well there is the cause of my cravings.. (i tend to crave sweets when my sugar levels are high, funny right). having a banana after my workout was just the fastest thing i could find at the supermarket, i was going to get nuts and tuna, but then i just couldn't be bothered over thinking it so grabbed a banana and left asap. I don't know if a banana is actually a good FAST post workout snack or not?? anyone else have any idea??

Feeling: other than my high sugar after dinner i have felt pretty good all day. except for a slight depresssed mood swing early arvo after a mini disagreement with the BF, not to sure if its pms or what but i have been having a few of those over the past few days. still flat hunting, still studying for exams, bring on tomorrow!

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Great meals today and a good work out, well done. I think bananas are not too bad as they are carbs but whole30' prefers veg carbs post WO to fruit, plus you need some protein to go with it.... I was happy today... Wonder how much of that was because the kids went back to school today LOL... No seriously I was happy that they had a good first day

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ah thanks for that juzbo! I probably need to organise myself a bit better round that next week. I had a banana again today just because its really quick and filling and whole30 approved. i actually felt really full after i ate it and had to make myself eat lunch at about 2, because i know skipping meals is not going to help me get past this night time eating thing. I have really upped my vege carbs in my lunch and dinner though, and the past 2 nights I have slept MUCH better... like i was when i began the whole 30 in dec and then as my carbs got lower this month i def. noticed a big change in my sleep... especially finding it much harder to fall asleep! but this must be to do with the carbs so its great to have figured that out!!! :)

Day 3

exercise: pump class + 10 minutes on x-cycle

b/f 4 eggs, tomato + avocado

post w/o snack banana

lunch pork patty, broccoli, cauli-flour, pumkin and tomato

dinner pork patty, broccoli, cauli-flour, pumpkin and tomato

feeling: felt pretty good today, less hungry, less cravings and slept really well. got alot of study done today and enjoyed my time at the gym this morning. i am going out with some friends tomorrow, so i am not going to drink and i am going to try my very best to make sure i eat 100% whole30 as-well.

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Day 4

exercise: 1 hour, 21km cycling

b/f: ​4 eggs, avocado, tomato

lunch: beef gyro, pumpkin, mixed veges

post w/o snack: banana, pumpkin

(to be) dinner: beef gyro, lots of pumpkin, tomatoes, mixed veges..... UPDATE: I didn't actually have this as once I was out with friends they decided to go to a restaurant where it wasn't really appropriate to say i brought my own food. I tried my very best to make sure everything I had was as close to compliant as possible and only drunk water!! I ate chicken w/ a mild spice seasoning and potato chips w/ mild spice seasoning (gluten and dairy free all of it) and that is all I ate. I know potatoes are not allowed, but i'm pretty sure that since i'm eating sweet potatoes anyway, this is not going to cause any further disruptions to my hormones, I did look to see if they had sweet potato fries but no :( I am also aware that the chips were probably cooked in seed oils. I remember reading something about seed oils in the book, but on the website I could not actually see any info about weather they we compliant or not. It just said to limit eating seeds and it's not as thought I eat them at any other time. In fact the ONLY reason I would eat sunflower/sesame/pumpkin seeds is if they were in something someone else cooked or if they were "good" for you.. which apparently they are not really, so why bother? they don't exactly taste very nice.

feeling: yay got my cycle today, so now that explains why i have had really sore breasts and been feeling extremely bloated the past few days. I don't know if the whole30 has reeved up my hormones or something but since changing diet, both the periods i have had so far, i have experienced really sore and swollen breasts. not something i used to get. my cycle also came in 32 days this is really good as it varies between 32-45 or so at the most. i had work this morning and felt good at work and also felt good eercising this arvo. am going out with friends now, have packed dinner so that will prevent not being able to find anything edible (NOTE: did not happen, but stayed as compliant as poss!)

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Day 5

exercise: 1 hour pump class, 35 mins x-cycle. (plus 6 hours work on my feet)

b/f: beef gyro, pumpkin, mixed veges, mayo

lunch: tuna, 2 eggs, pumpkin, other veges made into an omelette plus mayo

pre w/o snack: banana

dinner: chicken thigh, pumpkin, potato, mixed veges, mayo (no sweet potatoes aval in NZ at the moment!!)

snack: 1/2 banana

Feeling: Felt good today, was very active so needed to eat a lot to make up for that. Made sure I tried to get in heaps of healthy carbs too, because I know this helps me sleep better and helps to stop me waking up at 2am. Blood sugars have been pretty good. Had some medium level cramps at work this morning, but they did pass. Otherwise I have been in a stable mood all day.

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Day 7

Sorry didn't post yesterday as I was really exhausted!!! I was feeling a bit tired in the morning and then went to the gym and did body balance and a 30min x-cycle ride and after that I was just totally had it. I was also extremely hungry the whole afternoon, to the point I could not concentrate on study and had major cravings for sweets. I ate lots a whole30 approved food, to the point where is felt like I had eaten too much, but I was actually only comfortably full and I had full control of everything I put in my mouth. I guess it must be all the weight training I have been doing + a big weekend working all weekend and the cardio. Heres what I ate yesterday:

b/f: 4 eggs w/avocado + tomato

post w/o: banana + tuna, tomato, mayo

lunch: meat patty, pumpkin, mayo, mixed veges

afternoon: about 200 grams of blueberries + rest of tin of crushed tomatoes (ate it with a spoon lol)

dinner: 2 chicken drumstick, sweet pototo fries (in olive oil), mixed veges + lots of mayo

wow it seems like so much!! I think i got everything in there, but i suppose I needed it all as my muscles were hurting! After my big day yesterday I decided to take today completely off working out!!! I had a big breakfast and lunch, but have just had to have an egg w/tomatoes, avo and mayo as an afternoon snack because the stomach was growling!

Got heaps of study done today so far which is good. And we have a flat viewing tonight, so wish me luck peeps!! :P xx

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Hey Juzbo wow 50 days how are you feeling? yes i think we may have found a place!! fingers xed!!

Okay as I have said before I really want to do a proper whole30, but again having a drink has got in the way! It was just one, but it was still one. I feel like this might not be the right time for me to do a whole 30 as I am not 100% complying with the program as I am not 100% complying with the program as I should. I have decided that because of this I am going to take the few weeks or so (atleast untill we have moved house and my exams are over/also have friends visiting later this month and have a festival where there is a big chance i will drink.) so after all this is over when next semester starts up perhaps, I am going to comit to a whole 30. I am excited about this, but until then I plan to just contine eating this way, because I feel so much better like this and I don't feel the urge to need to include any dairy in my diet now and perhaps no sugar as I no I have a sugar dragon (gluten is out anyway). I might up date a few times till then just on how im feeling, but till then good luck all.

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