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Sarah's 2013 Whole100 Journal... who's with me??


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Day 15

Okay I have to say the whole30 is right and I am wrong. I drunk again last night, don't get me wrong I had a great night, but i feel like absolute shit today. I AM GOING TO QUIT ALCOHOL FOR (at-least) THIRTY DAYS STARTING TODAY. so that will be day 15-45 alcohol free!

So last night I did make one good decision by deciding to drink cider instead of vodka because it meant I didn't end up getting completely wasted and actually enjoyed my entire night, I ALWAYS drink vodka and diet soda because I think it will mean less cals, but when I do this I always get smashed and have a total pig out on all kinds of good/bad? foods... think mcdonalds. so drinking cider means that I get less wasted and am also fuller from the sugar in the cider and I don't get wasted and don't pig out... well not as much as I would with the vodz.

But a couple of bad decisions I made were not having a proper dinner and not coming home soon after my insulin pump was accidently ripped out. Because of this my blood sugar was 27.3 by the time I got home (thats 491 in US measurements) and its meant to be below 8 (144) at the highest!!! So that was not good, but got it under control again in a few hours. Also had a little pig out when I got home (not a binge, I was just hungry from not having a proper dinner and dancing for about 5 hours and drunk) I had a couple of eggs w/ crushed tomatoes and ended up eating half a can of baked beans in my drunken state :/ so really I must be the worst whole100er ever!!!!!

I know this just concretes the facts. I need to drop the alcohol!!! I have felt like absulute crap all day and it has not been nice. I am also feeling tired x100000000!!!!

But In saying all this I did have a really good night, I dunno if its worth the shittyness feelings im having today, but must be about on par! hahaha

so i have had a few steps off the track in the past 15days, BUT i have not had any pig outs or major episodes of over eating (which is something i have struggled with at times) im not going to start again I will just continue and hope that I can get a 30 day straight from here on! onward and upward i say!!

this week im really looking forward to hittin the gym and will also be happy once my 2 major tests for uni are over!! bring on friday! xx

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I thought I better make some goals for my whole100 as I haven't got round to doing this yet.

The big goal I have this year is to pass my study for the year. Having a bacholars degree will set me up much better to be able to get a good job in the future.

Long-term goal (rest of the year)

Goal #1: Work really hard and do the best that I can at university this year. Studying as much as possible in my spare time, getting help when I need it, making uni my #1 focus (outside of my health and diabetes control).

I want to make one of my goals to SLOW DOWN when I'm eating. I just find this so hard to do and always wolf down my food, even when I'm not extremely hungry. The only time I eat slowly is when I have company and that's because I am talking too much lol. I have been doing well with eating at the table every time I eat at home. But I finish my entire meal in less than 5 minutes!

Mid-term goal (75 days)

Goal #2: To create a habit of eating my meals more slowly and really enjoying each mouthful. I want to do this over the next 75 days and I am to do this by putting down my fork more often, drinking a glass of water with my meals and chewing my food properly.

Finally a short term goal. Which I suppose I will have to review weekly or so.

Short-term goal (7 days)

Goal #3: I would like to create a habit of not eating/snacking on anything after dinner. I will allow myself one tea/decaf with coconut milk, but I really want to break the habit of snacking of veges/fats after I have finished eating my final meal of the day. My first goal around this will be to resist eating after dinner for 7 days. I will do this by making sure I have a big breakfast and occupying myself after dinner.

There are so many other things I would like to work on at the moment too.... one is going to be getting to the gym a few times each week, another is to really try hard with the not drinking alcohol thing. Keeping my diabetes under really good control all the time is something I am always working on. Spending less time on my smartphone before bed!!! The list could go on.... hahaha

xx have a good day all

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Day 16/1

As I know I haven't been the best whole100er on my 15 days I think I will kind of view them as my introduction. And probably how I intend to be after I complete this 100 day program. Today I had a really good day, back to feeling my normal self again after the alcohol on the weekend and ate really well all day. Oh and I forgot to mention the other day I successfully made home-made ghee for the 1st time! Much cheaper than store brought version. I am going to attempt to keep a food diary as I think it could help me with my goals and also stop me from trying to cut back on my meals... which I've actually been pretty good about so far :)

b/f: 4 eggs scrambled, topped w/ canned tomatoes & a dollop of mayo

lunch: chicken stir-fry w/ heaps of veges sauteed in ghee & a sprinkling of grated coconut, cajun seasoning

dinner: lamb gyro served with fresh tomato, cucumber, red onion and pumpkin

This was the first time I have made gyros and mmmmm the meat tastes soo much better when you put it through the food processor... who knew! But at-least i have got some use out of the food processor mum got me for xmas now! :)

Also done a test for uni today (it was online) and it estimated my score to be between 90-100% so im feeling really stoked with my result! I have another test on thursday... a real life closed book one, so I am going to be really focusing on study for that untill then!

Hope all is well with everyone else. Sleep well xx

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Sure do, here it is Derval http://tgipaleo.com/2012/10/22/gyros/


Day 17/2

Well had uni all morning and studied all arvo today, so not really much of an exciting day. did mange to get the BF to come for a short 30 min walk with me this evening so that was nice :)

b/f: 4 eggs scrambled w/ onion and tomato, topped w/ mayo & decaf coffee w/ coconut milk

lunch: 1 egg and 1 chicken drumstick w/ big pile of steamed veges and mayo

dinner: lamb gyro + 1 egg w/ fresh tomato, red onion, cucumber & pumpkin and mayo

.... hmmm am still feeling a little hungry after dinner but it is 10pm so I might just head off to bed.

Oh also last night I didn't sleep very well at all, and woke up about 3am and also 6am with a very low BS and took me along time to get to sleep. this is unusual for me too!

Hope all is well with everyone xx

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Day 18/3

Hung out with a friend and "studied" all day today. Well I did do a bit of study and think I am prepaired enough for the test tomorrow so that makes me feel happy. Also managed to lose my BS meter so that's quite a disaster. I found an old one I have, but it's very unreliable! So might have to try get an appointment with the doctor to talk about that as it makes my diabetes very hard to control!!

b/f: 4 eggs scrambled w/ onion and tomato, topped w/ mayo & decaf coffee w/ coconut milk

lunch: chicken stir-fry w/ heaps of veges sauteed in ghee & a sprinkling of grated coconut, cajun seasoning

dinner: lamb gyro + 1 egg w/ tomato, red onion, carrot, spinach & pumpkin and mayo

Test day tomorrow eeekkkkk! :)

Have a good one all xx

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Day 19/4

Turns out I did do enough study. I didn't end up finding the test so bad after all. Phewww glad it's over though!

Went (window) shopping with a friend today. Saw a necklace I really like, so might have to find a reason to treat myself sometime soon.

Also did a bit of study when I got home and watched some tv, cooked dinner and just relaxed as we did quite a bit of walking this morning.

I am meeting with the gym lady tomorrow morning to get my membership all sorted out and I think my 1st day will be sunday as one of my mates has offered to do a class with me :)

food wise:

b/f: 4 eggs scrambled w/ onion and tomato, topped w/ avocado & decaf coffee w/ coconut milk

lunch: chicken drumstick, skin on w/ pumpkin, zucchini, onion & carrot, topped with mayo

dinner: lamb gyro + 1 egg w/ tomato, red onion, carrot, spinach & pumpkin and mayo

I haven't really been changing my food up much, but I tend to just cook one or two dishes a week and thats what we eat for the whole week. I am feeling like I am getting a little bit sick of my eggy breakkie so may have to change that one up sometime soon, when I'm not feeling to rushed or lazy :P

Have a good sleep all. xx

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Thanks Juzbo! Yes think I should change it up like yoou do! Haha I think I am just guna changed to boiled eggs from scrambled eggs for tomorrow because I have to get up so early I won't be bothered to cook anything else at that hour... and sadly we are out of leftovers!


Day 20/5

Had a great meeting with the gym instructer this morning. She was soo helpful and spent almost an hour with me, just getting to know me and what type of exercises will be suitable fo rme to try out. We decided on a pump class, a balance class and a jam. She wanted me to do attack and I said I might, but not right at the moment (really I don't know if i'll ever be into the chronic cardio again after reading MDA). OOhh I also went to uni by myself this morning and studyed alone for a couple of hours.. turned out I was studying the wrong chapter, but that's beside the point, It's the fact I actually did it by myself and did get alot done, means I will now feel more motivated to do it in the future. I also worked this evening 3-11pm and I start 7am tomorrow so I better get some shuteye!!

b/f: 4 eggs scrambled w/ onion and tomato, topped w/ avocado & decaf coffee w/ coconut milk

lunch: chicken drumstick, skin on w/ pumpkin, zucchini, onion & carrot, topped with mayo

dinner: lamb gyro + 1 egg w/ tomato, red onion, carrot, spinach & pumpkin and mayo

after work snack (8 hours on ya feet makes ya hungry like a workout!!): 1 boiled egg w/mayo

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Day 22/7

so didn't get a chance or to post yesterday, i had a really good day over all and ate really well, but as it was saturday i had a few drinks and again really paid for that today. I really want to not drink at all. I think maybe this had been the final straw for me and enough to convince me that 30 days or longer without alcohol is what i need. I really think that I shouldn't be drinking at all, it just makes me feel like death the next day. I was good with my food and didn't eat off the plan, but i did overeat a bit today, probably because i was a bit hung over and my blood sugar went really high which gave me cravings for sugar. I am definelty noticing a big connection with my high blood sugars and cravings for sweet food since getting such good control on the whole9 diet. :(

Also managed to get to the gym for the 1st time today, went to a body balance class with a friend and it wasen't as bad as i thought it was going to be. done lots of study today aswell, so it was a semi-productive day!!

cooked this really nice tomato/onion chicken dish for dinner, will have to cook that again soon! xx

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I just made a chicken curry to have for breakfast the next few days - yum. I have only had alcohol once now in the last 75 days.... I am starting to think of it quite often now though.... as in gee a glass of wine would be nice tonight....... still got 70 more days to go though! I wonder what it will do to my blood sugars too. I have been eating a lot more often than I would like, but since the only sugar I have is fruit, it seems when I am busy I can still easily go for 4-5 hours without really thinking about being hungry which is something I would really like to keep! I hope you have a good week Sarah.

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glimmer: yes body balance was soo good!

juzbo: that curry sounds good! wow you are doing so well, i need to get those 100days alcohol free like you!! I think I will aim for 14 days first as I have done 7, then 21/28 and see how things go! yes i am finding i can go up to 8 without food or thinking much about it :)


Day 23/2

Today was really nice I went to the gym this morning and did body pump, so im expecting that i sure will feel that tomorrow!! Also had an unexpected visit from some family this afternoon :) Done a few hours or study and went for a walk down at the park as well this evening. also made the best meat patties i have ever made I followed this reciepe.... http://www.multiplydelicious.com/thefood/2013/01/apple-mustard-pork-burgers/ except i put everything in the blender and also added 1 egg. seriously would recommend!! mmmmmm!! also tried out some peppermint tea that the family brought around and quite enjoyed that too.

b/f: 4 eggs scrambled w/ onion and tomato, topped w/ avocado & decaf coffee w/ coconut milk

lunch: chicken drumstick, skin on w/ pumpkin baked in olive oil, zucchini, onion & carrot

p/w snack: 2 boiled eggs w/ mustard

dinner: apple mustard pork burger pattie w/ veges, pumpkin and topped w/mayo

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Day 24/3

Got lots of study done today and also went for a long walk along the beach in the sun with a friend. Was a beautiful day here! Also started my accounting assignment so that made me feel good as its due on the 28th.

Took a day off the gym today, but I am planning to go to a body balance class tomorrow morning :)

b/f: 4 eggs scrambled w/ onion, spinach and tomato topped w/mayo

lunch: chicken drumstick, skin on w/ zucchini, onion & carrot & mayo

dinner: apple mustard pork burger pattie w/ veges, pumpkin and topped w/mayo

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Waa I am at a lose as to what to do. I love eating this way, it has changed my life. It has changed my appertite, my type one diabetes control has improved 10 fold, my night eating has reduced from 5 times a week to 1 time in the last 24 days and also only about 5 times in the whole of december. My energy levels has improved, my mood, my skin and nails and my binge-eating/bulimia is almost non-existent (I don't think i have thrown up in the past month atleast and i have only over eaten a few times, always when hungover) and it is 100% awesome!!!!

But I am yet to actually complete a proper whole30. You see things keep getting in the way for me, eg drinks with friends/going out for meals/me getting up at 2am and demolishing baked beans :P etc. And I know people on here will all say well just do it and I know that is what I should do, but when the time comes and all my friends are going out I find it so hard to resist a few drinks!! Anyway last night I went to bed slightly hungry (and INO i shouldn't do this), but i couldn't really be bothered getting up to eat something and ended up waking up at 2am and eating an entire can of baked beans and skulled some cream (ino strange!).. lol so thats pretty much the end of any scrap of keeping to the whole30 I was already on gone. And then today I felt like crap all morning. Despite this I still went to uni, did the groceries and went out with friends this evening and ended up having a great (alcohol free) night. But I also chewed on a couple of pieces of gum during the day, had a pepsi max this evening and ate asian for dinner (i actually only had veges/curried chicken/egg and a tiny portion of rice).

Despite this I am actually very proud of myself because despite feeling really crappy today, I made it through the day without using food to help me cope. I didn't feel like what the hell, Ive messed up now I may as well pig out on everything I can. I did deviate off plan, but no-one can call a diet soda, and a SMALL size asian meal consisting of mainly compliment foods a binge. =)

So I will have to re-start my whole30 and I know I have said it before but I really want to do it for real. No drinking included. Even if I am not following this plan I like to act like I am because that means if I deviate it is only very slightly. Where as if I am doing the 80/20 rule I tend to go a bit overboard on the 20 sometimes and then try to over compensate by not eating enough on the 80 side of things, end up hungry and pig out and the cycle goes round.

Having less food choices to choose from has actually made things so much easier for me, despite me originally thinking that it would be really hard.

I am already coeliac so gluten is a no-no and I don't mind not eating other grains. Sugar is not good for me as I am a diabetic and although I am technically allowed it, I want to only keep it for very rare occasions because it tends to always give me a head-ache even when I compensate with insulin. Dairy I feel is out for me as it seems as though it might be a contributor towards re-current yeast infections and that sickly taste in my mouth when I wake up in the morning. As-well as the fact I always tend to over-do dairy. I don't eat any soy products or seed oils so I not need worry about those unless going out for dinner.

The ones I struggle with more are the artificial sugars and the alcohol. I will have to really watch my self with these things if I want to complete a whole30. I am not to sure what other foods are off limits in the autoimmune whole30, but I am also going to eliminate coconut products for 30 days as these seem to leave a disgusting taste in my mouth.

Anyway I might start with a true whole7 (no coconut milk also) and extend from there. I have already done this so I know its easy and I really want to make it to 30 (and beyond) so I can see if this diet will give me any other benefits.

Cheers all


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Good luck Srah, you know I tried to lose weight so many times before something clicked and I just knuckled down and dit it. I'm sure the same will happen to you with w30, it only takes one time to be THE time.

Best of luck.

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Hey Sarah, I feel for you... Your honesty with yourself is great! Its difficult for each of us to decide what to do and what we want to get out of it. I have been technically compliant now for a good while but Im not happy with my eating or digestion / digestive symptoms. I also often find myself wondering whats the point for me to exclude alcohol since i dont drink it much anyway and its not a nasty by itself (I think) unless you overdo it. I am finding it otherwise easy to be compliant at the moment though because my tummy hasnt really been good much of this whole30 and I know eating noncompliant food can only make it worse.

Anyway just a few minutes ago I decided to have a week without any coconut... and also to try again for a week without any nuts so I am in! Lets do this together! Your place or mine?

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Thanks for the support from both of you (Derval and Juzbo)!! It means alot. And I know I just really have to stop questioning myself and do this! Im with ya Juzbo no coconut or nuts. I haven't been eating nuts on my whole30 eating anyway so that works well for me also :)

One thing that sucks is that I swear my body is thriving off this food and I swear my boobs have grown a cup size or more in the last month or so. I don't think the rest of my body has got any thinner, but I don't think it's got any fatter either which is good i suppose.

Back to day ONE

I actually got up in the night again last night and ate. I have been working out a kind of pattern and I am noticing that I always seem to start doing it in the 10 or so days before my period is due to arrive, then once it comes I am fine for a few weeks then BAM it gets me again. But hey I guess that means I just need to eat more during that time.

I went to a pump class this morning and the instructor was super good looking so that made the class oh so much better. Of course I only have eyes for my man really :P but having good looking gym instructors sure does make going to the gym a little easier. Since my blood sugars are under so much better control I am noticing a lot less muscle pain than I used to get after going to the gym. I think this is a good thing as it means I am recovering faster.

After that I went to uni and sat and studied Balance Sheets (for accounting) for a total of 4 hours. I have them down to an art now. When I got home I did another hour or so of marketing study, then cooked dinner and watched my fav show and chilled on the computer.

I have been feeling cravings/hungry all day today. I had an extra couple of eggs as snacks during the day and I hope this feeling goes away soon. I suppose it could also be due to it being my 1st week back at the gym in a long time!

Oh and another success I has my fastest score yet on my typing: 98% accuracy with a net speed of 51wpm and gross speed (i think thats not taking out the mistakes) of 58wpm.

Really proud of this and I feel like since about november last year things have been on a slow but steady up wards turn for me, after a few very off-the-rails-crazy years :)

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You are years ahead of many of us just for tackling the food issues while still in your twenties anyway so be PROUD!

I have noticed a huge drop in post exercise inflammation except for the last week - nuts? fruit? or most likely coffee! Interesting.

Cutting out sugar and exercising more moderately really helped me in this regard. I am so glad you are doing this and getting benefits that offset the diabetes issues. My mum and sister are diabetics... my sister is doing the opposite of me atm - a fruit and veg juice diet... no fats or proteins... weirdly opposite my diet atm of meat protein and fats! I cant see how this will help her other than short term weight loss... and she just reported the first signs of eye damage now too so its very sad. But I was vegetarian for 18 years so I dont think I can really try to tell her I think she is doing it wrong. And she is 10-20kgs more overweight than me so coming from a different place... sad.

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Hey Juzbo, thanks :) I think the only reason I am is because I have to. I have had a few years of very disordered eating. I skipped most of my insulin shots for over a year and was able to maintain a low weight despite constantly bingeing on sweets etc and when I say bingeing i really mean it lol. In the past year I have really began getting my diabetes under good control and have a pump now, but I gained about 8-10kg in about 8months, due to the fact I was still binging/throwing up because it's hard to just stop that stuff lol and because I had been eating soo much while maintaining my weight before it was a huge change. Since trying out the whole30 my eating patterns have improved soo much more, but I still can't lose the weight. I know its probably because I'm eating too much/not doing enough cardio, but I find it really hard because everytime I under eat a tiny bit I seem to wake up at 2am and raid the fridge lol grrrrr! I have decided now though that things really have to change!! The thing is though I don't want to obsess about it too much. I just want to find something that works and stick at it. I think it's probably really simple. Eat less. Exercise more. Sleep lots! I just have to get the right balance!

I am glad to hear that you have noticed reduced inflamation after reducing your sugar intake :) and I hope you find the culprit for last weeks inflammation, hopefully its the nuts then you won't have to give up coffee lol.

Wow is your sister type 1? How old is she? That is soo freaky about the eye damage she has noticed! I think they can do something about that with laser techniques these days if she goes early enough. Or atleast they can lessen the chances of future damage. But its really about keeping those blood sugars under control and TBH I would as a type 1 myself seriously recomend she get onto a lower carb diet and stop focusing on the weight loss so much because with fruits thats just guna send the sugars up and down and up and down and that won't improve her health or leave her feeling any better.

Day 2

hehe ive decided to cut down my facebook time today as I am always getting myself into situations where I feel overwhelmed and like I have too much to do. I then thought well is there anything un-important I can reduce/cut out of my day and FB popped into my head. Seriosusly I waste soo much time on there so I am going to test out no FB for a few days and see how things go! see if it will help me get more done! had work this morning and actually enjoyed it and am going to a friends to watch movies tonight after I study my butt off for the next 3 hours!

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Day 2

Following on from before, this afternoon I got soo much done and only went on FB once for about 10 minutes. From now on I am banning myself from FB and all internet access when I need to study or get stuff done!

I am trying to be really careful about what I eat as I have been feeling really bloated and yuck over the last few days and I really can do without gaining any more weight.. in fact could do with losing some.

Today I worked on my feet for 6 hour, no other exercise. Muscles are not too sore from pump class yesterday either.

b/f: 4 eggs scrambled w/ onion, crushed tomatos + dollop of mayo

lunch: chicken drumstick (skin on) w/ zucchini, garlic, pumpkin + dollop of mayo

dinner: apple pork burger pattie w/ zucchini, pumpkin, tomato + dollop of mayo

*snack: 1 egg, 35g tuna, mayo, zuchini, onion (half of a salad I made)

*I could feel myself getting a little hungry around 9pm and because I need to LEARN from what happened in the past, and last time this happened and I didn't eat before bed I ended up waking up at 2am and eating an entire can of baked beans. Not something I want to repeat.

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