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January 2018, Round 4


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Day 24
Made chicken "enchiladas" tonight - filling was shredded chicken; "cream" sauce out of broth, compliant unsweetened plain cashew yogurt, and green chili salsa; wrapped in blanched collard green leaves and served on top of spiced riced cauliflower and sweet potato.

Meal 1: 3 mini frittatas, half an avacado, couple of pan fried creamer potatoes

Meal 2: salad - baked chicken thighs, mini sweet peppers, tomatoes, 50/50 blend, Tessemae's Habanero Ranch

Meal 3: chicken enchilada and riced cauliflower and sweet potato

Snack: fruits and greens larabar, almonds (for some reason the idea of jerky kind of makes me want to barf right now, so I'm avoiding it)

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Day 25
Slept really well last night, which was great. Really didn't want to get up and go to work this morning.

Meal 1: 3 mini frittatas and half an avocado

Meal 2: burger on mixed greens with guac and sweet potato "fries"

Meal 3: chicken enchilada and riced cauliflower and sweet potato

Snacks: larabar and epic bar

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Day 26

Meal 1: 3 mini frittatas and half an avocado

Meal 2: chicken enchilada filling over riced cauliflower and sweet potato

Meal 3: Chipotle salad with chicken, pico, and guac

Snacks: brussel sprouts and peaches (I apparently just felt like veggies and fruit today, go figure)

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Day 27
Well, apparently I've had rice bran oil a few times over the last 27 days. I think I've decided I don't care, rice has never really bothered me, so oh well. I have to travel a thin line on the Whole30 thing because it can send me back into food obsessed disordered eating habits way too easily so I'm gonna let this one go.

Meal 1: 3 mini fritattas

Meal 2: chicken enchilada on riced cauliflower and sweet potato

Meal 3: chicken fried cauliflower rice

Snacks: brussel sprouts and peaches again. weird, but whatever.

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Day 28
My dishwasher's been out of commission for about a week and a half and it got fixed today, so yaaaaay! I've been sleeping really well, better than pre-Whole30 these last 4-5 days, which is fantastic. I definitely didn't eat enough today, but I wasn't super hungry either.

Meal 1: 3 eggs, 4 little creamer potatoes fried in coconut oil

Meal 2: salad at a restaurant with chicken, pumpkin seeds, pico, avocado, tomatoes, carrots, and oil & vinager

Meal 3: chicken enchilada, brussel sprouts

Snacks: epic bar and sweet potato "chips"

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Day 29
Oh my gosh, I'm almost done with the main part. Learned to shoot a bow & arrow today, so that was super fun. I might get up super early tomorrow to see the Blue Super Blood Moon at, like 5am. Or I might not.

Meal 1: 3 eggs w/potatoes scrambled in coconut oil

Meal 2: chicken fried cauliflower rice

Meal 3: chicken "enchilada" with spiced cauliflower rice (I might be eating too much cauliflower, need some more variety)

Snacks: veggie chips (I am ignoring the newer chips rule, because reasons, if you missed that earlier post), rxbar (dinner was later because archery)

Re-intro Plans
I am ditching the "no added sugar" rule entirely come Day 31, mostly because I want to get an almond milk latte from Starbucks and eat my favorite flavor of Epic bar, which has bacon in it.

I have celiac, so I won't be adding gluten containing grains back at all, so I'm separating out rice (I'm pretty positive I have zero issues with at least white rice, a gastroenterologist told me to not eat brown rice because my poor gut doesn't do well with it.), corn, and maybe oats/other stuff? I also want to re-intro soy and other legumes separately.

Feb 1: Non-soy legumes

Feb 4: Rice (which may be pointless since apparently I've eaten rice bran oil a couple times on accident, but a little rice bran oil and a whole chunk of rice are a bit different)

Feb 7: Dairy. I fully expect that day to suck and have scheduled myself a work from home day just in case I end up on the toilet a lot. I love cheese, but I'm pretty sure cheese hates me. *sigh*

Feb 10: Corn

Feb 13: Soy

Feb 16: Random gluten free grains not previously tested. Oats, quinoa, etc.

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Day 30
Woohoo, I made it! Went shopping and bought bean and rice things for tomorrow (beans) and Sunday (rice).

Meal 1: 3 mini fritattas, half an avacado

Meal 2: chipotle salad - carnitas, pico, little bit of green salsa, guac

Meal 3: chicken "enchilada" and spiced riced cauliflower

Snacks: sweet potato and epic bar

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  • Caffeine effecting me in a more "normal" way - this usually means my brain's working better and I did notice towards the end being more clear headed and better ability to focus
  • Joints feel better. When I'm eating stuff that bothers me, my joints get achy, they're not achy at all right now
  • More restful sleep. Once I figured out the caffeine thing, my sleep has been more restful than it was before Whole30
  • Lost about 4lbs, probably mostly water weight, let's be honest

I'm looking forward to learning more about how my body reacts to things through re-intro

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Day 31, Non Soy Legumes Re-intro
Felt pretty good all day, I guess we'll see how I feel tomorrow? Had black beans, lentils, and peanuts today.

Meal 1: 3 mini frittatas, almond milk flat white from Starbuck (welcome back added sugar, I've missed the convenience of you)

Meal 2: salad - chicken, black beans, grape tomatoes, sweet peppers, baby lettuce blend, Tessemae's Habanero Ranch

Meal 3: lentil soup

Snacks: apple and peanut butter, epic bar, peanut butter rxbar (I was very hungry today, geeze)

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