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Starting January 6!

Lyla Madison

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Hi I'm new and probably one of the younger members here (15 whoop whoop). Officially starting tomorrow, and since I'm gonna be the only one doing it in my family of 5 I'm looking for a lot of encouragement. Already told my sister to yell at me if I complain lol. I've just become very uncomfortable in my body, and I know I sound like every teenager out there, but I actually want to do something about it. I used to be really fit and in shape, with healthy eating habits, but I feel as if I've lost that. I just really want to get back into routine and I figured this would help. So yeah, new year new me, right? Also, there's a good chance I'll be doing a lot of ranting so please bare with me, and if you have any advice, I would really appreciate it!

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