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Constipation (there I said it)

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I am on day 11 of my first Whole30. By this time, I was hoping to be less bloated than I normally am due to overeating and unhealthy foods (not constipation). But my stomach is still big and bloated. I realized yesterday that I haven’t had a BM since Sunday (today is Thursday). Today I have abdominal cramping and I’m still bloated. Is this a regular side effect for a first timer? Up until now I haven’t had a single unpleasant side effect that we hear about most often since I started. 

I weigh 108lbs and try to drink about 100oz of water a day. I’m also making sure to follow the food template for my meals.

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Because you've changed your diet, your gut flora need time to adjust to the new foods you're eating (and foods you're not eating). Some people experience changes in their bowels early in the W30 as a result. It's better if you post your actual meals because certain foods can be more constipating and we can advise to avoid those. 

In the meantime though, you might add in a magnesium supplement (which can help bowels and sleep) and/or a probiotic to help your gut flora adjust more quickly.

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