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One foot in front of the other with Black Coffee......


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The Whole 30 grand adventure leads off with.....black coffee???? A breakfast that included over-easy eggs, wilted spinach with garlic in coconut oil, roasted red pepper and some avocado slices......caressed by black coffee.....yes Dallas and Melissa were right...drinking black coffee was not hard.....mind over matter.....Will try to post as often as I can....I believe my system will really dig this new adventure.....

Can't wait to see what is next......

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I'm gonna try black coffee today...I always use stevia and half and half....I had herbal tea yesterday with breakfast cuz just the thought of black coffee gave me the shivers, lol. Good luck on your journey!

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I'm gonna try black coffee today...I always use stevia and half and half....I had herbal tea yesterday with breakfast cuz just the thought of black coffee gave me the shivers, lol. Good luck on your journey!

thanks....hope your coffee treats you right......

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I use homemade chocolate almond milk as a dairy substitute for my coffee, super easy to make! Lots of recipes online :)

That doesn't sound w30 ok to me :ph34r: to be honest. Even if it's ingredients are compliant one should not try replicating "treats" like chocolate milk - have a look at the "sex with your pants on" article.


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I had a hard time adjusting to black coffee the first time I tried a Whole 30- it was summer then, so I made it iced. It helped me adjust quite a bit. Now when I'm not being "good" I put sugar and cream in it, but haven't had difficulty switching back to black when needed. I also got turned on to Bulletproof coffee- black coffee blended with butter...it's amzing, I would also had a Tbl of coconut oil, sometimes some gelatin & vanilla extract. I gave that up for my Whole 30...but will probably be back to it in....23 days :)

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I don't...which is why I gave it up. I'm not too crazy about ghee so I haven't tried it...I'm worried about ruining a good cup of coffee!! I might give it a try because it really does seem to boost my energy more than just black coffee and I liked adding the coconut oil to get some extra fat in too. You may have inspired me.

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@ Connie, I read on here earlier that part of the trick is to start with good coffee. I've always been a black coffee drinker but started putting a tablespoon of coconut milk and sprinkle of cinnamon as a treat now and again. There are so many different types of coffee, maybe try some different beans from different parts of the world. Whole Foods has a Rwanda Blend of their Allegra coffee that is super rich and creamy. It's one of my favorites. Or Cuvee makes an awesome Spicewood Blend but I'm not sure if they sell it outside of Austin.

Good luck on your black coffee adventure!

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I don't...which is why I gave it up. I'm not too crazy about ghee so I haven't tried it...I'm worried about ruining a good cup of coffee!! I might give it a try because it really does seem to boost my energy more than just black coffee and I liked adding the coconut oil to get some extra fat in too. You may have inspired me.

My ghee is homemade from pastured grassfed raw milk. It smells and tastes great in cooking. I'll give it a whirl but not today because I made coconut milk already this morning and don't want to clean my blender again! (Too bad I didn't read this thread earlier I could've used that unwashed blender to make the bulletproof coffee.)

I made the coconut milk to have in my coffee instead of cream. I also like a tablespoon or so of coconut oil in (or rather, on!) coffee.


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What the heck, it doesn't take long to clean the blender. I just made a cup of coffee, added a chunk of ghee and a smaller chunk of coconut oil, pulsed it a few times and -- WOWZA. It looks like coffee with cream and tastes terrific. There's almost a caramel note from the ghee. It's slicker than coffee with cream but having just coconut oil is also slick feeling and I'm already used to that.

Now what to do with the 3 lbs of shredded coconut I bought with the expectation of making coconut milk for my coffee? :lol:

mdcowboy, if you're happy with your black coffee, more power to you. I'm in heaven with buttery ghee blended into my coffee.

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Day 3....STILL STOKED!!!!!!! BIggest observation...the coffe thing stopped by noon....WORKS!!!!!!!! Sleepin like a champ....and the dreams.....a plethora!!!!!!!!!! Wilted spinach with the garlic and coconut oil.....o yeah!!

There may be something to the sans-grains.....more testing needed....experimental subject and all...LOL

Waking up with already more energy....must pace myself.....how many endorphins are kickin in????

Random thought input..I don't think so, at least not to me....must work and piece together......

Now back to work.....I may drive 'em crazy.....

Breakfeast...eggs, canadian bacon, sweet potatoes, avocado and yes...black coffee.....

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That doesn't sound w30 ok to me :ph34r: to be honest. Even if it's ingredients are compliant one should not try replicating "treats" like chocolate milk - have a look at the "sex with your pants on" article.


The almond milk I make has almonds, water, unsweetened cocoa powder, and cardamon. I use it to cut the acidity of my coffee and add that touch of flavor. I'm not emulating a treat, just using a more nutritious alternative to cream and sugar. I don't see how that's any different than your use of coconut milk, as previously mentioned.

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Day 7....still in the game...of course seeing RGIII yesterday not 100% tempted me to swig some vino and chow nasty cheetos :angry: .....of course my little voice inside said let it pass....so I let it pass.. :D

Made some Paleo stuffed cabbage yesterday......that was some work.....turned out well enough....

Looking forward to tinkering with spaghetti and acorn squash......

O Monday....I would like to do away with this day!!!!!!!!!

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You are all very brave. I just went ahead and bagged the coffee/caffeine altogether since I'd rather chew on shoe leather than drink coffee/tea unsweetened. I understand why I need to not sweeten it, I just don't wanna. I think that the caffeine withdrawals were far less traumatic than naked coffee.

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Day 13....really diggin each day...some minor inklings...like maybe have a glass of red with chili....nah..it can wait...I did purchase two bottles as a nice pause down the road......today's breakfast is eggs, avocado, wilted spinach with garlic (sauteed with ghee!)..that stuff is very nice.....pesto bacon...what a treat.......and black coffee....

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What the heck, it doesn't take long to clean the blender. I just made a cup of coffee, added a chunk of ghee and a smaller chunk of coconut oil, pulsed it a few times and -- WOWZA. It looks like coffee with cream and tastes terrific. There's almost a caramel note from the ghee. It's slicker than coffee with cream but having just coconut oil is also slick feeling and I'm already used to that.

Now what to do with the 3 lbs of shredded coconut I bought with the expectation of making coconut milk for my coffee? :lol:

mdcowboy, if you're happy with your black coffee, more power to you. I'm in heaven with buttery ghee blended into my coffee.

A lifelong coffee-with-half-and-half drinker—no sugar (eew)—but gots to have my cream. So, it's Day 4 and I'm on a quest to find the tastiest possible alternative to JBC (Just Black Coffee). So far, regular coffee from the pot with coconut milk is an epic fail. The CM just sits there and underperforms. Next to try...expresso from my latest flea market find...a little 2-cup Bialetti stovetop espresso maker, with some hot water (Caffe Americano) and a little ghee with coconut oil, as per @Terez. Pleasepleaseplease work!

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Be sure to put give it a ride in the blender, jpketz! I use about the same volume of ghee as I used to use of cream. You may want to start with less, blend for 15 seconds, then pour a taste into your cup to decide if you want to add more.

I tried a stick blender in the cup this morning. Big mess on the kitchen counter! :o Drank the remaining half-cup that didn't go flying, then brewed a fresh cuppa and put it in the blender with a good chunk of ghee. (Completely forgot about the coconut oil.)

Will be going black tomorrow. I like mixing things up.

Please report back and tell us how it goes!

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It's interesting. Definitely picks up the nutty-caramelly notes of the ghee. And makes a nice layer of froth. While I was in the "coffee lab" I also tried what I'll be calling a Paleo CocoLatte with espresso and steamed, full-fat coconut milk from the can. My wife still misses the sugar, but for me this is as good as any latte at Starbucks. Had to dust off and clean up my cappuccino maker but I'm thinking this could be a viable, soothing alternative to good old coffee with cream. For non-espresso drinkers, add hot water to cut it. Or just use coffee. For non-steam-wand owners, you can make nice, frothy, steamed-like milk in a french press. So enough snobby coffee talk—from the SF Bay Area what can I say?

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