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Holy Night Sweats


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I'm on Day 10 and woke up from another night of absolutely drenching my sheets from night sweats. This is the 4th or 5th time I've gotten them so far. From what I've read, it's likely caused by a hormone imbalance from changing my diet. That being said, any idea when this will end? I'm drowning in laundry over here! 

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Sometimes if Whole30 is a big departure from how you used to eat, there is a larger shift with hormone rebalancing. With all due respect, are you also ending a nightly drink habit? If you are and you were used to drinking wine/alcohol every night, this can also happen. 

How is Whole30 different from how you used to eat? Are you at or near your period?

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I averaged about 2 drinks per month before the Whole30 so it's not that, and I'm not on or near my period. That being said, I'm eating very differently than I used to. I used to snack throughout the day and night around my meals, and I made a lot of high sugar, processed foods decisions. Would that be affecting me 10 days in? 

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