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Period problems


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Hi - I'm hoping some of you can assure me I'm not going crazy.  ☺

I completed my first Whole30 in January, and my period during that time was 2 weeks early.  Then in February, when I did what I'd call a Whole30 light, my period was two weeks later than the previous month, which was on time for February (still following me?) but because January was early, it felt late.  I assumed my body corrected itself and it would be normal going further.  The last few days I have been feeling what everyone knows for themselves is the onset of their period (pre-period) and I was wondering why.  Now I'm no longer wondering as I started bleeding today.  This is now only two weeks since my last period, which is essentially mirroring my January where my period was two weeks early.  Wth....has anyone had this weirdness happen to them?

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Hi @PurrposefullyDesigned - hormonal disruption is common w/ Whole30. I don't know what a "Whole30 light" is so I can't comment on how that might've affected things.

Did you read through the pinned posts at the top of this section?

Basically there is one way that women can go through the menstrual cycle. You bleed for a week, thenestrogen increases until ovulation, you ovulate, estrogen goes down, progesterone goes up and 14-ish days after ovulation progesterone drops and you bleed. There is such a thing with Whole30 as an early period because of the hormonal adjustment you could get a flood of progesterone and then a drop which is what causes bleeding.  This makes sense if your next period was basically on time to when you would get it if January had been normal.

Have you started another Whole30 recently? How is Whole30 different from your eating normally?

Basically it's all hormonal but if you're concerned, see a doctor. 

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@ladyshanny thank you for this info!  By Whole30 light, I mean that I tried to stick to Whole30 as much as possible during February, but did allow myself some things (like rice and hard cheese) and treats very occasionally.  Today, my regular eating plan is Paleo, which I stick to very closely.  

Everything you've outlined makes perfect sense; I mostly wanted to make sure that 'hormonal disruption' can be a side effect of Whole30 eating.  

Thank you. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

@purrposefullyDesigned, I just posted a new thread about something kind of similar. Having the same issues after doing a W30 "light". Started my period again less than two weeks after I just had my period so don't really know what's going on. How long did yours last? I've have mine for 7 days now which is really unusual for me and it doesn't seem to be going away.

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