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Barb W's Whole 30 log


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Here we go. Day 1 of the Whole 30. I have planned out my meals for today, so I am hoping that I can stay on track.

Breakfast: Sauteed kale, yellow squash, and sweet potatoes with 2 poached eggs and salsa. This was delicious. I also had decaf coffee with Whole 30 compliant almond milk. 

Snack at school: apple and walnuts

Lunch: Whole 30 Territory prepped meal...Pepper Chicken & Roasted Veggies with Cilantro Mint Chutney

Dinner: Sous vide steak, broccoli and red pepper stir fry, mixed berries

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Day 1 meal plan (reboot):

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with peppers and onions, sauteed kale, mixed berries, coffee with almond millk

Lunch: Caribbean Pot roast with root vegetables (Territory meal prep), pear

Dinner: broiled hamburger, steamed broccoli, homemade sweet potato fries, 100% cacao discs

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