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Connie's Dancing Log


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I am not starting until Wednesday (have some yogurt and hummus I need to eat) but I'm getting excited and want to start announcing for accountability!

I am 25 and a professional ballet dancer.  I've struggled with weight and eating within the context of the ballet world.  I once was vegan, but looked at expanding my diet because I was suffering from female athlete triad.  I also have struggled with and continue to struggle with binge eating, especially when I feel the need to lose weight.  I'm excited to experiment with my diet without the pressure to lose weight or the focus on weight loss.

I have had a strange health year with some cystic acne, odd fatigue, and some crazy feelings around food!  I definitely feel the need for a spring cleaning reset.

So here we go, my first time on the Whole30.  I'll check in here to keep accountable.

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Okay! On Day 3

Went shopping today and bought a bunch of Whole 30 foods.  It was a bit of a binge day as I ate a ton while prepping meals and ingredients.  However, my normal binges are on sugar, chocolate, ice cream... although I feel very full I don't have the awful blood sugar feelings that typically accompany a binge.  So, a small victory.  Overeating healthier foods.

Will work on getting more sleep the next few days.


So far, enjoying the food (although I miss the crunch factor and craving crackers/chips a bit)

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Day 5!

I'm exhausted.  Not sure if it's the Whole30 or just life.  But so. Tired.

Acne isn't great - I have a couple of small pimples and one new big cyst.  I wonder if it's from eating too many almonds?  I noticed people said that nuts can affect acne.  Or it's just because I just had my period or some other hormonal fluctuation.  I'll keep monitoring and see how it goes.

I have a theory too that coffee makes my acne worse.  I'll test that theory when I have the energy/willpower.

Still enjoying my food!  Sweet potato chicken curry... yum.  Drinking coffee and kombucha when I want a treat.  And made some bone broth over the weekend!

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Day 8: Not bloated today!  Energy is still super low but it's also a busy week and I'm not sleeping much because of that (although the hours I do sleep are SOLID).  Skin is clearing up a little bit, but have one big cyst and a few other pimples.  KP on arms may be clearing up? Super positive body image today.  Feel like I'm eating a lot, as I have a lot of snacks, but still pretty easy to stay on the whole 30 plan. 

Mood also is better today.  No headache.

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Day 10

Still exhausted in a lot of ways - like I'm doing all the things I must do but no energy to do extra.  My eyes get read heavy and head is super foggy.  Is this whole30 or something else related.  I'll try sleeping a ton this weekend and see what happens.  

My skin feels worse - cyst is still there and other bumps around.

Drank something with stevia yesterday and ate chicken that was cooked in who knows what oil with sugar? But I'm going to pretend it was olive oil and no sauce and just go with that.

Also, diaphragm pain. My whole left side stomach is mildly achy.  ???


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Day 11

I agree with the Whole 30 Schedule, I'm feeling the effects of not being able to eat a lot of foods.  I want toast. And croissants. I just woke up and ate a massive breakfast, really like two breakfasts, trying to fill that crunchy carb craving with nut butters, sweet potato, avocado...  Even after stuffing myself I don't feel super satisfied. I am a little anxious and would rather focus on the food... Push through!  

Usually overeating like this would lead to a whole day of overeating (and my intake is always a bit higher on weekends...).  Hopefully that's not the case today.

Also, I have had a couple dreams where I ate something off plan and was SO UPSET. And then so relieved to wake up.

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Day 11 

Basically a binge day - I stayed compliant.  Although the chocolate was incredibly tempting.

I find myself making drinks/concoctions to try get satisfaction (rather than just nap, which would actually be effective at relieving anxiety etc.)

I think more starchy veggies would also be a good idea for me this next week.  The fat intake is high!  40%-50% and more carbs might improve my mood, energy, etc.

I'll try to sleep a bit and hope for better tomorrow.

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