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New to forums and on Day 10 - Eek!!! I need Encouragement!


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I'm on Day 10 and it has hit me like a ton of bricks! The first few days I had some challenges but because my husband, daughter and son-in-law, son and daughter-in-law all started together we had a great support team and leaned on each other. Now, the rest of them are going great and having lots of NSV but I, the one who brought this to everyone's attention and got us all going on it, am not. I feel bloated, fat and I'm tired of all the food prep! They all have jobs outside the home (and all the younger sets live in their own homes) and I am a full-time home-maker. My husband made breakfast hash this morning and it was the first meal that I didn't prep and cook. I'm already feeling burnt out. I read that this may be typical of Day 10 but no one else is feeling this way but me. I need some encouragement, I don't see any NSV yet and I refuse to cave but I don't like feeling discouraged!


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This is pretty typical, and day 10 is the day people are most likely to quit (see the timeline:  https://whole30.com/2013/08/revised-timeline/)

If you're tired of so much cooking, look for things that don't take a lot of prep, and maybe plan a meal out at the end of the week somewhere that you can plan for a compliant meal. Things that are easy to make could be sheet pan dinners, where you just throw everything on a pan and into the oven, or something you cook in the crockpot all day like a roast or a whole chicken or some pulled pork, combined with veggies that you can chop up during the day when you have a few minutes and then cook easily by throwing them into the oven to roast, or even things like coleslaw or potato salad that you can make up early in the day or the night before and just leave in the fridge until meal time. If the weather is conducive to it and you have a grill, maybe over the weekend cook enough meat for several meals on the grill (or have hubby do it if that's his thing), so you have some options you don't have to cook. 

Plan a nice meal out somewhere -- places that serve steak or nice seafood places would probably have some good options, just look around and see what's available.

Or plan a meal swap with your kids and their spouses -- everyone make double or triple recipes of a meal, and meat up over the weekend to swap, so you have some variety to choose from.

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You can do this @tmorse7! And @ShannonM816 had great counsel for you!

Day 10ish is hard! I too got so sick of food prep! But for me I’ve learned a few tricks of the trade as shared by @ShannonM816!

Do not let a lack of current NSV slow you down. You got this! It will come!!!! Really!

Be very, very, encouraged! Keep us posted!  xo Dianne

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