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So! It's been a fun day off, with lots a cooking and chatting and misbehaving--though no W30 vows broken! It's just been a day with everyone in the kitchen on and off, and that has been nice.

M1 was made by Daughter 1: straight from Tom Denham's website, straight from her own conjuring. She asked last night if she could make brekkie; she'd found a couple of websites she really liked and Tom's was one of them. "I think he's done W30 or something"--yes, I assured her indeed he had--lol! Anyway, it was a chicken sausage and egg scramble over a bed of spinach with a BP coffee. Perfect.

Finished cooking up round one of bone broth in the slow cooker and promptly started round 2 (apparently you can get 3-4 rounds from the same set of bones--wow--I'll let you know.

M2: cashew crusted tilapia with a tomato and caper sauce, with broccoli rabe. So yummy, I might have it for M3, too--can't help myself! AND I remembered to take a photo!


M3: The chicken fried rice a la Well Fed, a few banana peppers and homemade sun-dried tomatoes. Feeling a bit peckish and unsettled (read, wondering about wandering over to the larder). Not for any evil purpose, mind, but I am contemplating the benefits of an apple and almond butter. To counteract, I'm going to yoga for a bit and then see how I feel...

Activity: Yoga for 40 mins. I am definitely going to have some water now. Actually think I'm going to beat the lust for apple and AB...nothing wrong with them, but not sure I need them. Don't feel like I could eat steamed fish and broc...so I'm taking my cue from that. For the moment, anyway! :ph34r:

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Happy Day 7!

M1: Grilled Chicken, spinach and sun-dried tomatoes, and a pear. BP coffee.

M2: Tilapia and Broc Rabe from yesterday

M3: taco something or other, which was great. Kudos to daughter one for that idea.

Activity: power yoga night, which is good; I needed it--but it kicked my vinyASSa...came home and had half a grapefruit and a few slices of Parma ham. Now off to bed within the hour. I will sleep well tonight...!

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Day 8: read that as rough and stressful, at least work wise. Got so wound up I just couldn't eat breakfast. Eventually went home to eat lunch with D1--who bless her, made it, too. Went back to work after that. So:

M1: Spinach with Cashew crusted tilapia, water

snack of almonds, a few dried cranberries and a smidge of pepitas, water

M2: Garbage stir fry turned soup with a BP coffee chaser.

Now I've just got home, it's late, and I'm a bit hungry, but I'm exhausted, too...so I think I'm bed bound. Tomorrow will be a better day. Hope everyone else is doing well...!

Oh--as for Activity: does epic lip biting count? I did tons of that. I think I'll try some lip balm tomorrow (not the chewing of, but the wearing of)

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M1: blueberry pork sausage: delish. had that with roasted tomatoes and asparagus

M2: aubergine and cashew pesto over spaghetti squash, with parma ham.

snack: an egg with a bit of salmon and a handful of spinach

M3: Choc chili with avocado salsa and salad (if everyone would get home so I can eat, anyway!). Followed with a chaser of banana and blueberries.

Activity: sad day for the gym. It was a non-starter. Didn't even get to yoga tonight--but I am feeling quite sore these past few days. Dunno...

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Another mad day at work. Sigh.

M1: Choc chili with spinach

M2: several banana peppers (yum), and a salsa scramble with tons of veg and a whackload of eggs, and a few pieces of parma. I had a couple toasted almonds, too.


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M1: crazy nut porridge thing with cranberries. BP coffee--all had to be grabbed on the go this morning, so protein came later in the form of an egg, salmon and a big handful of spinach--my go-to fave.

Reading a brill NYT mag article as well on the processed food industry--shocking, but then, not really: The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junkfood -- It's long, but stick with it.

Snack of sorts: had some carrots with parma wrapped around sun dried tomatoes.

M2: spag squash with moroccan dressing, ground turkey and more spinach because I love it. Later, small fruit salad and water.

Activity: WOD 6 sets of 10 (too lazy for 10 sets of 10)--pushups, sit ups, squats. half an hour of yoga.

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Hi everyone. Something cool happened this morning: My husband is singing W30 praises to all and sundry. As an actor and writer, he'll shout it a bit louder than I do; it's his profession--and an article he wrote just last night was picked up by the fab website, Medium. His Whole30 got a shout out--how cool is that? Here's the article, if you're interested:

Easy As Pie

Just thought I'd share!

He wrote about when they started their W30 here: Sugar in My Guac

I'm including them here, because I think it's interesting to see this journey through their eyes. Eyes wide open...in shock, I think...

I lovelovelove both of those articles.

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Good morning everyone! Another bright and shiny snow filled day here. Also feeling like I've been hit by a bright and shiny snow plow, myself. It's wearing off some, but I don't feel awesome infused just at the moment.

BP coffee to start, because that's just how I roll this morning...getting ready for a cooking WOD, too. Be back later....

Hi! End of day and still so sore. Still, managed to get in a mile run (well, mostly run) and a great yoga. But I am literally aching. Not sure why.

M1: green eggs (yes, for real) and...chicken sausage. Also some asparagus and onion.

M2: cauliflower bake or quiche with cauliflower crust, depending. Served with awesome cabbage salad.

M3: spaghetti squash and spinach with meatballs and sauce...made by the fab Daughter 1--who would have thought? She is really into this and that makes this W30 priceless.


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Start of the week was much like the end of last week: stress charged day. Got a much later start to food today but still manage three meals and also no snacks.

M1: cauliflower egg quiche with spinach

M2: chicken, peppers and cabbage salad

M3: D1 made the whole thing (WOW)...salmon with grapefruit and avocado salsa, stir fried broccoli and pineapple. FABULOUS

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M1: last night's dinner minus broc.

Snack of almonds cranberries and pepitas.

M2: lambs hank stew with cauli mash and a big salad

Missing one, as you can see.

Ran out of eggs this morning and it put a kink in the whole day! We are set for tomorrow, though, so...

NO ACTIVITY, unless you count watching high school basketball and cheering loudly.

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God, has it been nearly a week already? It's been mad around here. Way too much to do and too few of me to do it all...

I'm going to need to maintain radio silence until the weekend, when I hope I will have a touch more time, but that's dodgy too. Have a State tourney for daughter 1, and a concert for daughter three, goodness knows what daughter 2 is going to need by the end of it, as well! In any event, catch up soon for foodie and pathetic attempts at activity (for shame...!).

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More snow here today (surprise!), so I thought I might take the opportunity to make some meals or do a cooking WOD of sorts. Sadly, cannot get out to get supplies just yet, but I will work with what I've got here for now.

Starting with this Sweet Potato Meatloaf--switching out bacon for a few torn bits of parma, and the beef for a mix of veal, pork and beef. LOVE paleomg.com--Juli Bauer is just so funny, and the food is brill. Make sure to have a gander.

Ooh. Just heard the coffee ping. Off for a BP coffee. And something or other for M1, though since the day has not officially started yet thanks to another 20 feet of snow (okay maybe not quite 20 feet), I'm not completely motivated to cook quite yet. We killed all the leftovers last night, too. Boo.

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SouthernBeth you are too funny! I'm not owning it yet, though--I'm Day 25 of W30 number TWO! Jumped on board with Daughter 1 and Husband for support. Glad I have, though it has been a very different experience from last time! Where are you at in the W30 stakes now? Must hit your blog up soon! :)

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