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London Whole30, starting 1/2/13

Georgia Buchanan

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After doing 21 days of a Whole30 over the November/December holiday period (don't know why I chose that time to start!) I'm back and ready to go for a full 30 days! I thought about starting today, but there were too many leftovers from New Year's Eve, so I'm taking it easy on myself and starting tomorrow.

Currently at home in the US, but returning to London next week and excited to be a week into it when I get back to 'real' life. I'm planning on going for a Whole45 or even Whole60, but not putting too much pressure on myself to start. If this is anything like the last time, once I into the swing of it, I'll want to keep going long term. But, taking it a day at time for now!

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Doing really well so far on Day 1....had the temptation of lunch at one of the best burger places and then a family friend brought over home-made pastries. Didn't expect so many goodies to appear in front of me on the first day, but I'm STAYING STRONG!!!!! I keep thinking about the last Whole30 and the things that I was capable of saying no to. Just because it's in front of me doesn't mean I have to eat it!!

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Day Three is almost over (well halfway!) and I'm doing well. Definitely easier this time around because I know what's coming and I'm ready for it. I also know how good I'm going to feel in just a few days, which is a HUGE motivator.

Yesterday was tough...I had a doctor's appointment and I forget that they weigh you! Couldn't avoid looking at the number, which I'm sure was a little higher than normal since it was the middle of the day and I had just eaten lunch. But, it's not that far off! So that was a good wake up call to get back on track after holiday eating. But, I'm not beating myself up. I'm back and that's all that matters!

I'm looking forward to tomorrow, a friend is throwing me a "Princess Party" for my birthday, which is Monday. 32 and never had one before, I'm very excited. It was her 5 year old daughter's idea, so you can't say no to that! Anyway, she is a nutritionist and the person who introduced me to the Whole30, so she's making everything Whole30 friendly. I can't get over it! I feel so thankful and hugely spoiled by such wonderful friends.

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Going strong after a Paleo Princess Party and ready to check Day 5 off the calendar! Have had a bit of a headache the last two days...might be coming down with a little bit of a cold too. Which could be the wonderful benefits of doing the Whole30 or a side effect of being around lots of kids with colds the last few days. Love this time of year, I feel like EVERYONE is sick!

Day 6 here I come!

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Starting another Day 1 tomorrow :( Today was my actual birthday and I was really going strong, but I received homemade carrot cake (my absolute favorite food in the world) and I couldn't resist. Stayed compliant for the resf of my meals, so I'm looking at this as small detour and not a complete disaster. Just getting back on the horse again in the morning!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't written in over a week, but I'm still going strong....getting back to life post-holiday has been hard, but good. Another year started for some reason feels scary. I know that I have a lot of change and many big decisions to make in the coming months. But, I can feel the affects of this taking hold and propelling me into each day with a sense of comfort and serenity, knowing that I'm doing the best I can do for my body. I've also started back intensely into yoga and meditation, which has made all the difference. One big goal t for myself in the coming year is to prepare for becoming a yoga teacher. Feels like a lot right now, but I know it's something that I really want......sorry, this has become a diary entry and not a food log!!

Anyway...more Whole30 again tomorrow xx

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Great update... I can just see you as a yoga teacher - go for it! I think I might be up to day30 now but had a bad week - completely out of balance with meals (eating too much too often)... which I think is because I have picked up a stomach virus - just starting to feel better now though and eating very gently now too....

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I hope you hit your husband for saying that!! (Very lightly of course :P )...Glad that you're back to yourself and feeling better.

I'm definitely struggling today with being a little out of sync. Have been snacking a bit and not sticking to my main meals. I do find that if I eat three FULL meals I don't feel the need to eat around them. So my goal for this week is to get back on track with that...which is usually easier for during the week anyway, when I'm busier.

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I hope that works for me too next week... I seem to get uncomfortable at the moment when I eat a big meal, so I have been having more smaller meals. Tonight though I had blueberries with coconut milk and cocoa at 9pm...... hmm that was just plain naughty! But at least today I did some proper exercise (one hour jog and a bit of roller blading with my son... had planned to go for a bike ride too but had to fix broken spokes, maybe tomorrow!). My stomach might be off but at least I have my energy back.... I only looked at my watch at the 30 minute mark then the 55 minute mark during the run and in hindsight it was surprisingly easy.

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I like this coconut milk/blueberry combo...maybe not the cocoa just yet! Feeling good today, starting to reach that state of mental clarity that comes when you get through the first week or two. And I've noticed that I feel a little stronger too! Did some intense yoga today and got through it without wanting to die!! Still working on 'no snacking between meals'...but it's been a little better, so I'm happy. I think as long as I'm sticking to three meals during the week...having a more snackalicious weekend is okay!

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Well, things are on hold Whole30 wise for the time being. I had a horrible case of food poisoning last week into the weekend! It was from oysters that I had eaten for dinner last Wednesday evening and it sent me into two days of horrible sickness (which I'll spare you the details of!!). Everything has settled down at the moment and I'm feeling a lot better, but I haven't really had an appetite and my body just can't handle any kind of meat yet. So, my diet since Saturday has consisted of fruit juices, veggies, wholegrain toast and some oats. I'm just listening to my body at the moment and taking it day by day. SO, when the dust settles and I can eat normally again, I'll be back on the wagon....definitely still in the spirit of Whole30, just not in the practice this week!

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Poor you, sounds just awful. I have been unwell but I think it was self inflicted... I get sibo if I am not careful with my choices which ends up like a stomach flu for a week or more! I have started counting up to 30 again as of yesterday as a way of refocusing... So if you jump back quick we will still be in synch... If you are ready....

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