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Swollen ankles during reintroduction

Kristen F

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Today I introduced gluten free grains for first time.  I made oatmeal from gluten free rolled oats, egg whites and 1/4 banana.  Throughout the day I also had rice, corn chips and a poece of gluten free bread.  My stomach actually felt great all day, until I ate too much for dinner, at which point I simply felt uncomfortably bloated. I just noticed my ankles are swollen.  Could this be a reaction to this food group?  

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It might be something about those foods, or it might be that (especially with corn chips) you had more salt than usual and that is causing you to retain water, leading to swelling, or it might be something else entirely.

If it happens often, definitely talk to your doctor about it. For now try drinking plenty of water, and maybe elevating your feet -- if it's really bad, try laying on the floor on your back, and putting your legs up the wall (you may need a cushion under your back or hips). 

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Thank you Shannon, I appreciate the quick response!  Do you think I should repeat the non-gluten reintroduction at a later point after returning to whole30 (assuming the swelling goes away and does not happen again?)  

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