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I have a wedding 8 days after I finish my whole30

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Hi everyone! I’m on my 21st day and really loving it. I wanted to do another round just after finishing the first. But my best friend is getting married 8 days after I finish my whole 30. I would really love to eat something out of the whole30 that day, specially the cake.. I do not plan to eat a lot, just prove some.

Do I have to do the reintroduction process.. or can I “eat out” just for one day? 

I am planning to start another whole30 round after her wedding. 



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What you do after Whole30 is really up to you. If this is important to you, it's okay, but know that one of the reasons we stress reintroductions so much is that sometimes people react badly to certain foods, and we generally would encourage you to learn how you're going to react to things before you're at an important event.

If it were me, I'd probably try to get in 2-3 reintroductions in that time before the wedding of things you think you might have at the wedding, just so you know. For instance, do dairy, wheat/gluten, and maybe alcohol if you think you'll have some champagne or something at the wedding. That way you have some idea if dairy makes you embarrassingly gassy, wheat makes want to curl up in a corner and nap, and suddenly your alcohol tolerance is almost nil -- and then you can figure out if there are things you really want to avoid at the wedding. It may be that you have no reactions to anything, and that's great, but occasionally people do have reactions they prefer to avoid.

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