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You can do anything for 30 days! Right?!


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Day 1 and feeling pretty good, with the exception of mad sugar cravings already.

Meal 1: 2 eggs, baby bella mushrooms, spinach

Meal 2: roasted chicken, 1/2 yam, green beans with evoo

Snack: Blackberries

Meal 3: salmon patties, homemade ginger mayo, oven roasted brussel sprouts with evoo

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Day 3 and still feeling pretty good. Friday nights are usually my 'bender' nights. I work a fairly stressful job in the social services field; a long week at work is usually rewarded with Friday night happy hour = multiple cocktails and excessive eating with coworkers or homemade pizza and a bottle of red wine at home. Unfortunately I felt that I had to turn down happy hour with friends this evening; at this point, I don't think I can trust my ability to say "no." Sad, but true. How do I navigate these social situations without becoming a loner?!?

Meal 1: Zip...Was running late for work and didn't have a chance to eat. I turned down bagels and cream cheese at group meeeting.

Meal 2: romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, roasted peppers and onions, avocado

Meal 3: leftover salmon patties with giner mayo, curry kraut, green beans with evoo and lemon

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Guest Andria

Have you tried making egg "muffins"? Basically, eggs, veg and meat of your choice & scramble in bowl and poor into muffin tins and bake @350 15-20min. You can easily make ahead so you can grab and go if you're running late for work. The other obvious suggestion is hard boiled eggs or leftovers. When I am working I have no time to make or sit for Bfast so I have to pack it with my lunch and eat on the ride to work.

I don't have an answer,yet, for the social situations. I am declining an invite to a birthday dinner for a coworker this weekend for the same reason. My coworkers would totally NOT understand the Whole30, so being straight with them about it would be more trouble than it is worth. Maybe your coworkers are different and you could explain you are going to eat before you meet them out?

Good luck

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Thanks, Andria. I've made those egg muffins before, but it's been awhile. My lack of eating breakfast is usually a combination of running out the door and frankly, not being hungry when I wake up.

I've been browsing forums and I've noticed that no one seems to have the solution for the social situations dilemma. I'm just keeping in mind that it's just 30 (possibly 60 or 90) days of strict eating. I'm not going to lie, I've already planned a sushi date with a friend for the day after whole 30 is over, so it looks like rice will be my first re-introduction food. I may take that day for a small break and then continue on... It's all up in the air after 30 right now. I'm also about to start full time grad school on top of full time work, so I will have a more socially acceptable excuse for turning things down for awhile. :D

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Day 4 and I definitely feel 'blah'. I stayed up way too late and woke up late feeling hungover. I feel strangely... sad (I don't have a better way to describe it) and run down. I would kill for a banana right now so I could make my wierd banana, almond butter, cocoa powder concoction; clearly I'm battling some sugar demons. I haven't gone grocery shopping, so I ate what was in the house. I didn't eat a single vegetable!!!

Meal 1: chocolate chili, 1/2 sweet potato

Meal 2: leftover applegate sausage, egg

Snack: walnuts

Meal 3: leftover chocolate chili, 1/2 sweet potato

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Day 5 and started the day feeling meh, but it's getting better. I went to bed around 11:30 pm last night and slept until 11:30 am this morning!! I didn't even know sleeping 12 hours was humanly possible. I woke up feeling stiff in my lower back and neck and with a low grade headache (not normal for me). I've also felt 'phlegmy' and am hoping I'm not getting sick! I didn't deal with any strong cravings; most of the day I didn't even have much of an appetite. I'm proud of myself for making it through the weekend, though! That's when I always go off of the healthy eating track. I still need to work on upping the vegetable intake.

Meal 1: Slept through it.

Meal 2: 1/2 sweet potato (hash), applegate sausage, egg

Snack: green grapes

Meal 3: http://nomnompaleo.c...ower-fried-rice minus the bacon and fish sauce (mine has sugar). Let's not kid ourselves... It would have been SO MUCH better with bacon. :)

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I think I can help with the social situation dilemma. I went to two outings on Friday night with co-workers and friends and both of them were at two separate breweries. I went home straight after work and ate dinner that I made the night before, changed clothes and then went to both outings. Everyone was eating burgers, fries, wings, quesadillas and beer. I drank water non-stop, asked for some limes and squirted it into the water AND I ordered black coffee and I made it. No need to become a hermit. Just tell people you are under doctor's orders to stay away from processed foods.

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I think I can help with the social situation dilemma. I went to two outings on Friday night with co-workers and friends and both of them were at two separate breweries. I went home straight after work and ate dinner that I made the night before, changed clothes and then went to both outings. Everyone was eating burgers, fries, wings, quesadillas and beer. I drank water non-stop, asked for some limes and squirted it into the water AND I ordered black coffee and I made it. No need to become a hermit. Just tell people you are under doctor's orders to stay away from processed foods.

Thanks, Paco. I'll try to put this to use!

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Day 6 and today has been a mixed bag. I've had fairly steady energy all day. The biggest thing I struggled with today was lack of appetite; I didn't really feel true hunger until about 3 pm. I made myself eat breakfast and lunch, but couldn't get much down. I only dealt with very brief cravings, so no issues there! I felt impatient a lot of the day, but I have definitely not reached the 'kill all things' stage. I'm impatient for the day 30 results, but need to realize that those results require 30 days of work, haha.

Meal 1: 2 eggs, 1/2 sweet potato (hash)...finished maybe half

Meal 2: leftover fried 'rice' with chicken...only had a few bites

Snack: 3 brazil nuts, 1/2 a pear

Meal 3: salmon with lemon ghee and dill, asparagus wrapped in proscuitto, oven roasted butternut squash

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Day 7 (that's it!?!) and feeling okay. I was tired a lot of the day and experienced many fleeting cravings, including an apple pie that a coworker brought in (I don't even like apple pie!). I tried reading the forums for inspiration, but reading other people's list of cravings that they are struggling with made me crave every single one. I had a particular desire for chips and salsa; so much so that I could taste it on my tongue. Ugh. At least I discovered that it's a really bad idea to let myself get hungry, haha.

Meal 1: egg (only had one left), leftover asparagus wrapped in prosciutto

Meal 2: leftover fried 'rice' with chicken, 1/2 pear (too sweet to finish)

Meal 3: slow cooker pulled pork, leftover asparagus, leftover roasted butternut squash

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Day 8. I made it through. Okay energy most of the day, but has a slight crash around 4 pm. Felt strangely apathetic the entire day. Convinced myself to get back to yoga after a two week hiatus... barely made it through due to nausea, pounding headache and incredible annoyance with my (favorite) yoga teacher. I've never had difficulties making it through yoga before. :( Still having fleeting cravings, but nothing too intense. Pants seem to be fitting a bit looser. Honestly, I'm just glad the day is over.

Meal 1: Breakfast didn't make it into my mouth due to a 7 am dental appointment

Meal 2: leftover pulled pork, mixed veggies with ghee, leftover butternut squash

Snack: 3 brazil nuts

Meal 3: leftover pulled pork, mixed veggies with ghee, sweet potato rounds with 1/2 avocado

Other notes: Added digestive enzymes today (1 per meal)

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Day 9 felt like a pretty stable day. No cravings, no moodiness and fairly steady energy. I spent half of my day in orientation for the graduate program I will be beginning in few weeks. I don't know why, but I didn't think about bringing my lunch. They served sandwiches and pasta salad; it looked and smelled good, but I wasn't even slightly tempted to break. When it was over, though, I did scarf down food like I haven't eaten in weeks (not going to lie). I'm finishing dinner as we speak and am going out with a friend for...tea! Lol.

Meal 1: 1/2 sweet potato rounds, 1/2 avocado, 2 eggs

Meal 2: romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, sauteed peppers and onions, avocado

Meal 3: thai red curry (chicken, peppers, carrots, bamboo shoots, onions and coconut milk) with compliant red curry paste

Snack: Clothes Make the Girl- coconut chips

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HA! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who has difficulty eating breakfast. I usually am kind of nauseous in the morning... but have found that smoothies are going down the hatch OK. I drive an hour ONE WAY to work, so a giant smoothie has taken the place of coffee w/ 6 french vanilla creamers. Good Luck!!!

Please. Pretty Please. Will you share your ginger mayo recipe??? Or a link? With a whole30 approved cherry on top?

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Day 10. Today was fairly rough. I woke up with stomach issues (won't go into details), I felt exhausted and dehydrated much of the day. I had out of control cravings for sweets and carbs. I'm trying to keep in mind that I'm also at the place in my lady cycle that would contribute to that. I intended to pick up a Lara Bar at the grocery store, which for me would be a compliant attempt to feed the sugar dragons. Fortunately I forgot to pick one up. I also realize that my dinner does not follow the meat/veg/fat template, but it's the best I could manage today...not much sounded appealing and they squashed my cravings for noncompliant foods.

Meal 1: Skipped. I couldn't even think about food due to nausea and stomach issues.

Meal 2: leftover pork carnitas, leftover mixed veggies, 1/2 avocado, 1/2 sweet potato

Meal 3: This: http://paleomg.com/t...otato-biscuits/, with prosciutto instead of bacon. I realize that this may enter the SWYPO realm in some peoples' minds, but they really tasted nothing like biscuits to me. They were definitely delicious in there own right, though!! I ate three four with melted ghee and they statisfied my need (psychological, physical or otherwise) for carbs and fat.

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Day 11 and feeling pretty darn good! I navigated a few social situations well. Steady energy. No cravings.

Meal 1: Slept in and needed it! No food.

Meal 2: leftover red curry with chicken, leftover sweet potato biscuit thingys

Meal 3: http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2011/05/08/paleo-pad-thai/. Holy moly, this was unbelievably delicious!!!

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Day 13. Nothing much to speak of, I feel like I'm cruising (mostly) and the newness has worn off. I experienced a few cravings...one for peanut butter cups that my officemate offered me and one for tillamook sharp cheddar cheese that I passed in the grocery store. Neither craving took over, though. I suppose it's a good thing that I don't seem to attempt to rationalize and justify noncompliant foods anymore.

Meal 1: 2 eggs, scrambled

Meal 2: 1/2 sweet potato, leftover chocolate chili, pomegranate seeds

Meal 3: grilled porkchop, blend of roasted butternut squash, asparagus and poblano peppers, pomegranate seeds

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Day 14. I might have jinxed myself when I said I was 'cruising'. I wasn't hungry when I woke up (per usual), but was ravenous the rest of the day. My carb/sweets cravings are really strong; I'm not sure if that means I'm not eating enough fat/protein/whatever or if it can be attributed to my period being a few days away. It sure is irritating, though. I have also been cooking up a storm these past ten days, mostly because I told myself that I would make/eat anything I wanted that sounded good and was compliant in order to facilitate sticking to the plan. I have now hit a cooking wall...nothing looks good at all and I'm tired of the time it takes and the stack of dishes it creates in my tiny kitchen despite how delicious my creations have been. I went straight home and ate whatever I could scrape together; I knew a trip to the grocery store may very well screw me up, because my cravings are seriously that strong.

Meal 1: 2 eggs, 1/3 large sweet potato

Meal 2: leftover porkchop, butternut squash, asparagus, poblano peppers, pomegranate seeds

Meal 3: leftover chocolate chili over roasted butternut squash, asparagus, poblano peppers, 1/3 apple

Update: My roommate just got back from two weeks of petsitting and she is making a california pizza kitchen thin crust chicken pizza...grrr...................................the smell is killing me. This girl is the baking queen! When she is here, there are always yummy sweets sitting around. Temptation outside the house is one thing, but having it sitting around is another. :wacko: I guess I should be grateful that she was gone for two weeks, so I could get off to a good start. Lucky for me, in ten days, I will be leaving for a two week petsitting job. Avoiding is not a long term strategy, but you start with what you can...

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Day 15. It was a rough, tiring day and I'm so ready for the weekend. Ate a coconut creme lara bar to satiate afternoon hunger, which wasn't the best idea for me. It was compliant, but just caused more sugar cravings.

Meal 1: 1 egg, last two tbl of leftover chocolate chili

Meal 2: salad with various veggies, grilled chicken, avocado

Snack 1: three brazil nuts

Snack 2: coconut creme lara bar

Meal 3: stuffed cabbage (ground turkey, chopped apple, spinach, riced cauliflower and spices) covered in homemade tomato sauce

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Day 16. Up and down, up and down. Today was a up day with decent energy and no cravings to speak of.

Meal 1: 2 eggs scrambled with spinach and green onions

Meal 2: leftover porkchop, roasted butternut squash, roasted broccoli

Snack: 3 brazil nuts

Meal 3: lemon baked chicken thighs, spaghetti squash tossed with ghee and spices, brussel sprouts with prosciutto, blueberries

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