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Starting on September 15th


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On day 3 and boy am I tired. And boy am I tired of cooking. I deliberately starting on the weekend so that I could have lots of time for meal prep and cooking. That worked well, but I feel like I overdid it. I was grateful for leftovers for this morning's breakfast.

I have a history of leg cramps and take magnesium every night, but last night they seemed especially bad. Does coconut water help? I'd be so grateful for ideas. Aside from that I slept well, but definitely not enough. Early to bed tonight!

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1 hour ago, tinak013 said:

I have a history of leg cramps and take magnesium every night, but last night they seemed especially bad. Does coconut water help? I'd be so grateful for ideas. Aside from that I slept well, but definitely not enough. Early to bed tonight!

Be sure you salt your food and drink plenty of water (aim for 1/2 oz per pound of body weight, so a 120-lb person needs at least 60 oz). 

Coconut water has quite a bit of potassium, which is why it might help with cramps, but it is a fruit juice, which we recommend not drinking regularly, though it's not against the rules, and might be useful to keep around in case they wake you up at night or something. A better bet might be to research which whole30 compliant foods are high in magnesium and potassium and make sure you eat them regularly. Everyone thinks of bananas, and you can definitely have a banana every day if you want to, but spinach and sweet potatoes and broccoli are also great potassium sources, and there are others. 

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Thanks Shannon! It's been an ongoing issue for me, and I've generally relied on a magnesium supplement to help, but I much prefer using real food. I'll see if the increase in some of these foods makes a difference. That would be a wonderful outcome from doing the Whole 30!

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