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Fixation on everything Im not allowed?


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This is my first time posting on the forum & I am on my second round of Whole 30 (day 19 as of Sept 27). I am posting because Ive been noticing for the past couple days that I have been fixating quite heavily on the things I am not allowed to eat and kind of feeling a sense of excitement abut eating them post whole 30. I know there is a context in which this is completely fine, but that is not the context we are talking about for example, anticipating sugar binges or copious amounts of popcorn. After my first round my relationship with food was altered completely and I had very little desire to return back to my old habits, however 2/3 of the way through round 2 I am concerned that I will be right back where I started when all is said and done. 

I know this is a bit of an odd question/post but I haven't been able to find any resources on the topic and I would really appreciate any advice or personal experience anyone has to share!


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Seek out some recipes from @whole30recipes on Instagram or popular Whole30 cookbooks or websites like www.wellfed.com or www.nomnompaleo.com. 

Browse what sounds tasty and plan several of those meals for the week. Best approach is to do a Weekly Cookup like Mel Joulwan suggests and have lots of cooked protein and veggies on hand, then make totally different meals by varying the spices and meats and veggies from meal to meal.

That done, do a deep dive. There's nothing wrong with thinking about the foods you will eat after your Whole30, but ask yourself why you are doing Whole30 in the first place? What are you hoping to achieve? Are you still thinking of foods as "good" or "bad"? Have you sought out new and different ways to reward yourself?

Round 2 can be much tougher than your first Whole30, because you've done it before. Checking in with yourself can help remind you of what's important.


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