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Am I doing something wrong?


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Hey all! I am on day 4 of Whole 30 and am not feeling the way I was expecting. I have been following the guidelines but am still feeling quite bloated. I have been drinking lots of water and keeping myself hydrated. Am I doing something wrong? Using too much oil? Salt? Eating too much nuts? Almond butter? Help :)

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Nuts and nut butters definitely cause bloating for some people. Try to limit those to a serving every other day or so. Eating a lot of raw vegetables can cause bloating for some people, as can eating a lot of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower. And then sometimes it just takes a few days for your body to adjust if this is a big change from how you ate before. 

Drink plenty of water, focus on mostly cooked vegetables instead of raw for a few days, and maybe try to get in some light exercise like walking or yoga/stretching, and you should feel better in a day or two. 

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