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Feeling quite melancholy today for external and internal reasons. I've been having some cravings this afternoon for sweets...

Southern Beth you are spot on--and I know exactly what you mean. I've had a similar past few days, and Friday the kids pitched up with pizza and a crazy demon appeared from nowhere insisting I Kill All The Things. Immediately. I was a bit down about that. Add to that it was Burns Night where for time immemorial we've spent the evening eating, toasted (often badly) haggis (love it still--right up there with black pudding), Rabbie Burns, Dalwhinnie, Talisker, and anything else that takes our fancy with the poet being celebrated. It's a great evening...that did not happen last night. I suppose in part because life is freakishly busy, but nothing would have been able to be consumed right then anyway; nothing W30 compliant, bar neeps.

I can't say I've actively missed anything--even the stuff I thought I would miss (super strong gooey cheeses, beer and the like), and no, I don't think these past 26 days have been hard either. I have grown to really enjoy the community here, even if I post only sporadically! I have found my mojo in cooking again, which I've missed since my stricter paleo days. You will really enjoy paleo, I am sure of it. I look forward to hearing how it goes over the coming weeks--can't believe we've only got 4 more days of this W30 left! :)

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I can't believe how hard I thought these 30 days would be and how painless and, dare I say it, FUN they've turned out to be. What an amazing experience to participate in! I've had a bit of anxiety about transitioning out to Paleo, enough that I may stick it out another 15 days, but I know I have to transition out at some point.

I feel exactly the same. This is easier than I expected, and I am afraid when I try adding stuff back I will just go nuts and go back to my old ways. I hadn't read up on paleo before and my family does not eat super great. I like this enough and see the value in paleo eating now enough to keep it going at least a bit. I don't think I could go the rest of my days without cheese, mind you, but I think it is a possibility to pull myself and the family in a less-grain, lots of whole foods direction. Hopefully will have kicked my diet soda and super sweet coffee add-ins addictions and emotional eating bull. Learning so much from reading posts here, lots of blogs, listening to podcasts....

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I feel exactly the same. This is easier than I expected, and I am afraid when I try adding stuff back I will just go nuts and go back to my old ways. I hadn't read up on paleo before and my family does not eat super great. I like this enough and see the value in paleo eating now enough to keep it going at least a bit.

I think maybe a step to making sure we don't go crazy is maybe planning ahead? I think I'm deciding right now that I'm just not going to add back any of our restricted items intentionally. This summer, when it's 100+ degrees, I'm having some effin' ice cream (mint chocolate chip!!) and maybe in the near-ish future, I might try and track down some tart fro-yo with fruit and nuts and some dry red or white wine. But as far as cheese, beer, potatoes, cheap candy, sandwiches, toast, sugary anything, I think I'm good. I'm just NOT going to add those back and I don't really feel the need to mourn that.

I know that if one day I see a beautiful cookie in the window, I might get it and cup of coffee and enjoy it like it's the last one ever, but the good news is: It's NOT THE LAST ONE EVER, so I don't have to buy the whole box and ration them like the apocalypse is coming.

I was a lot more worried about transitioning until last night when my husband and I went to a party. Everyone was guzzling and chowing down on pizza and I didn't feel even a TWINGE of desire for any of it. and when our friends asked why we were drinking, they were impressed, but not condescending about W30. They got it. No one was rude. They know we can partake again in the future if we feel like it, but probably not, and it was cool. How nice is that? I think it also means they're all getting old (I'm not... still in my twenties!).

So, unless there's a perfect storm of cravings, circumstance, and the perfect treat, I'm not adding anything back. That being said, I did see some Paleo-but-not-W30-compliant foods I'm looking forward to trying out. Like coconut tortillas. Paleo is so new to us, that it's going to be really exciting to try some new stuff. Whoop!!

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I agree, Beth! I'm thinking if I don't bring it in the house, or if I don't have it at home (and clean up my hubby's and kids' diets too), if we are out and take the kids for ice cream, I can indulge. Oh, but in the summer, I might have to try making some mint chocolate chip (my favorite, too) with coconut milk or something. I bet that's good. Hmm. I live in FL now, it's pretty much always summer. So... occasionally as a treat. :-)

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That sounds amazing! Who says we don't eat?!?!

I received Paleo Comfort Foods in the mail today. It's pretty legit! It'll definetly be more of a 'special' meals cookbook than Well Fed is, but I am A-OK with that. I've already found inspiration for tomorrow's breakfast. Tonight we had an Italian 'hot plate' from Well Fed. I had to work late so husband went and got it all started without me. How great is that? It makes it so much easier having him participate in food prep. and more fun.

Lunch was kind of weird today. Such a hodge podge of leftovers and a weird tuna salad. I ate it and it was fine, it was just subpar. I can do better! Tomorrow I'll have hot plate leftovers! Whoop!

I can't believe I'm only TWO days away from W30 being over officially. I'm excited to weigh myself if only to give other's evidence of how great this program is. It's hard to explain that it ISN'T just about losing weight. At all. But, giving up so much is a hard pill to swallow without a little evidence (I tell everyone to read testimonials, but obviously they're not!). Off to do dishes (our dishwasher broke!) and prep some food for tomorrow. Yum!

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Last day of Whole30! Hollaaaaaaa!

Today we had a true 'Meal 1': ground, seasoned beef, steamed green beans with lemon juice, olive oil and some chopped almonds, and a bit of sweet potato hash with apple and cinnamon. Meal 2 I had some left over roasted veggies and some Italian chicken soup we cooked a week or two ago and froze, and a HB egg. For dinner, my in-laws treated us to some steaks, baked sweet potato (do we eat too much of these?) and some steamed veggies. The veggies had butter on them, so I only had a bit of broccoli. Sad face. So pretty much no veggies for my Meal 3 tonight. Glad I had a ton throughout the day!

We signed up for a CrossFit 101 class next week. My husband REALLY wants to get a membership, but it's SO DAMN EXPENSIVE. Even with the 'couples' rate, it's still a big chunk of our measly income. Decisions. I guess we'll decide next week if we like it enough to pay up and continue? The 101 class is a great Congrats present to ourselves though. Hoorah!

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