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Jen's journey to healthy


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Hi Everyone,

So I'm posting here because I'm aiming to start at least a whole 30 (hopefully a whole 100 but don't want to get ahead of myself), :P tomorrow. 

I have high cholesterol, elevated liver enzymes, have a hard time falling asleep, chronic excema, back pain, and itchy scalp. My stomach also just seems constantly irritated. This feels ridiculous for my age...

I have done several whole 30s and even a whole 60 previously, and have learned a lot from them. That said, I'm feeling a little nervous to be doing this again! (Is that weird?) I want to find out what my body still is reacting to and add to what I've already learned about what works for my body. I also have a family including a sweet little four year old to stay healthy for! Wish me luck! I'm going to read day 0 in Whole 30 day by day tonight and am planning to re-read It Starts With Food to get started.

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Day 1!

Here we go day 1! Feeling nervous and excited at the same time. Started the day with my typical workout which felt great. I know my biggest challenge will be planning ahead and not falling into restrictive thinking and then giving up all together. (I tend to tell myself I can't have x and then rebel). Here's my food plan for today I'll update if it changes.


M1: sausage, butternut squash and bell pepper, sugar free applesauce

M2: same without the applesauce

M3: compliant fajitas and salad

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Day 2! 

Feeling good so far today actually. I think I'm more mentally prepared now then I have been for whole 30s in the past which is really nice. Did a workout this morning and actually had a decent amount of energy!! 


M1: sausage, bell pepper, butternut squash

M2: fajita leftovers and SF applesauce

M3: Hamburgers and salad? 

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Day 3:

Feeling pretty good today, my stomach is already feeling better then it did before I started which is great. :) my only struggle so far has been breakfast. Anyone have any ideas for good portable breakfasts? I love taking protein smoothies on the go in the am but that's out and I eat breakfast at work so I always feel bad subjecting people to the smell of eggs.. I don't know I'm finding my natural inclination is to skip breakfast which I know isn't the greatest plan.  I'm not super creative with the food so I hope this log doesn't get boring for people..


M2: Two complaint sausages, salad, potatoes

M3: Who knows at this point lol..maybe compliant meatballs and marinara sauce with bell pepper? 

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1 hour ago, JenJen1986 said:

Anyone have any ideas for good portable breakfasts?

Breakfast casserole/frittata/egg muffins are a good option -- I'll bake one in a 10x13 pan on Sunday, and have a serving every day Monday-Friday. I just leave it in the fridge, but if you're worried about it, you can freeze part wrapped in individual serving sizes and put a serving in the fridge before bed, it'll be thawed in the morning. You can eat them cold, or microwave them, or heat them in a skillet or wrapped in foil in the oven or toaster oven. You can put pretty much anything you want in them, but here's a few recipes for ideas:  https://40aprons.com/whole30-breakfast-bake-sausage-eggs/http://www.chewoutloud.com/2018/01/16/sweet-potato-sausage-breakfast-casserole/https://realsimplegood.com/mushroom-spinach-and-bacon-egg-muffins/.   

These can be made ahead and are good cold or reheated:  https://meljoulwan.com/2014/11/10/oven-fried-salmon-cakes/. I know they don't look like typical breakfast food, but they're a fairly mild flavor and easy to eat. Pair them with salad or coleslaw or soup for vegetables. Also, when you get past needing "breakfast food" and realize you can eat any food first thing in the morning, you have a lot more options. 

Meatballs are another good make-ahead option. There's a whole bunch of options for seasonings on Mel Joulwan's site:  https://meljoulwan.com/?s=meatball

For vegetables, if you like raw ones, wash and cut them ahead of time. Even for ones you're going to cook, this is helpful, since it's easy to just grab the already cut up vegetables to roast or put in a stir fry. Soups can be nice at breakfast, especially if it's chilly in the morning where you are. There's some good options here:  https://meljoulwan.com/2017/10/16/super-smooth-soups/, or this is similar to one I make a lot:  https://thatpaleogirl.com/2017/10/15/curried-cauliflower-butternut-squash-soup-paleo-whole30-approved/ (I use frozen cauliflower because I'm lazy and hate chopping the fresh stuff). 

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