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Starting March 4th


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I've been eating plant based/vegetarian/vegan for years but have slipped and I'm looking for something better, so I'm giving this a try. I'm very excited about starting but need to really plan this out so I don't make any mistakes. I love to cook so I ordered the cookbooks and will create my own meal plans. I plan on eating some meat but it will be limited to chicken and fish. My sister is going to join me on this journey so we can keep each other accountable. Yeah!! Very excited to start this program.

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Hi! Good luck! I'm starting March 4th as well, and with my sister in law. This is my second time. It's been 2 years since the last time I did this. I have been eating pretty terribly for the last year and a half. Ready to get myself back on track and making healthier choices. This is a great jumpstart for me to get on the healthy wagon. LOVED it before. The results were amazing for me. Loved the mentality I came out with. 

My SIL and I sat down today to really get everything figured out for tomorrow. We'll be cooking together on Mondays to prep for the week. We both have 7 children and don't have a lot of free time. Plus we'll be cooking different meals for our families, as we can't afford feeding everyone what we'll be eating with Whole30. We live in Alaska where fresh produce is NOT cheap. But we still eat very healthily (for the most part, obviously I'm not happy with my current eating habits).

Hope more people will join our start group!

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I also started this program on March 4th! I spent a lot of time last week meal planning and getting excited about the recipes (from the Whole30 Cookbook)! I also about 4 hours on Sunday meal prepping for the week which has proven to be super helpful so far. I started the program because I've been having a lot of digestion issues over the past few years and my sugar dragon has gotten WAY out of control. Hoping this will help with both!

Almost 3 days done :)

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