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Day 3 For a Newbie

Michelle Joy

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I heard about Whole 30 when Melissa H. appeared on my favorite Saturday morning cooking show.  I'm not sure what it was but I was immediately intrigued enough to look into the idea of finding out if it was with me.  I wound up on Amazon, using the "look inside" function to read excerpts of the book.  Actually, all available excerpts fo the book.  Sold!  I got my copy (and the Day by Day daily guide) just a couple days later, and started a week long plan and preparation phase.  I'm 61, retired for a year, with health issues.  My biggest desire is to avoid going on blood pressure medication when I see my physician next.  (Shedding some of this excess girth would feel great as well.)

Being that it is so early in the program for me, I don't want to start throwing accolades about, but, I have to say, that I'm loving this program and the book itself thoroughly.  My kitchen counters are filled with baskets of fresh fruits and vegetables, and , oh the recipes!  I am having a blast cooking!  My husband is enjoying the dinners I've been preparing and I'm making my own condiments!  At this moment I have two crockpots going in my kitchen and the whole house smells divine.  

I know there will be tough days ahead, but this has been a blast so far!  Has anyone else who may reading this had this much fun only three days into their Whole 30?  Am I going to hit a brick wall soon?


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