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Introduction - started April 1


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Hi.  My name is Erin and I started my second Whole30 yesterday (4-1-19).  My fiancé and I did one together 4 years ago this month.  He is supporting me this time with an alcohol fast and by making me breakfast (while I make compliant dinners for us).


I've said many times in the past year that I was going to do another Whole30 but this is my first time getting back to it.  I am also logging my food this time, which I did not do before, so I hope that makes a difference.  My primary goal is to stop craving my big 3: wine, bread and sugar.  

I'm glad to have this community and I'm happy to communicate with anyone who needs/wants to share or talk.  We can do this!

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Hi! My name is Jessie. I’m a first timer with the whole30 and this forum thing, but I thought I would start by reaching out to someone who started the whole30 on April 1st like I have. Hope your start is going well. My biggest food weakness is bread and sugar so I’m sure I’ll eventually have cravings for that stuff, but surprising so far so good. I woke up with a headache, but I’m glad to have read that that is normal. We’re on day 3! 

My other weakness is that I grew up being a picky eater. Back when I was younger I basically lived off of chicken fingers and french fries, Mac and cheese, and bread. Only a few years ago I just started trying a bunch of new foods. So I’m not a fan of avocados- it’s the texture that doesn’t sit right with me. I should probably try them again but I’m so nervous to! I know they’re super nutritious and I would like to somehow get avocados into my daily meals- thoughts???! 

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I love avocados but I can imagine the texture can be an issue for some.  I also love spicy foods, so adding compliant hot sauce (like Cholula) and sea salt makes the avocados and eggs even better.

My other main problem is that I don't like to cook.  I did buy the Whole30 Fast and Easy Cookbook for this round.  And I also have an instant pot now so I'm hoping to use those in conjunction more this month.


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Hi. I started Whole30 on April 1. It has not been too much of an adjustment as I had already this year eliminated dairy and wheat from my diet due to severe GI issues.


My only "problems" right now are nightmares  nearly nightly (which I understand is related to serotonin levels?) and boredom with the food options. 

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Yikes.  I have had a couple of nightmares, but I didn't think it was directly related - since the dreams I had when I did it last time were food craving related.  Hm, interesting.  And yes, I too am bored because I really don't LOVE meat and I love some veggies, but they're just not satisfying yet.


Good luck!!

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