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Starting May 1

Pandora Black

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I failed my first Whole 30 after two weeks, but I’m starting again. I’m 300 + lbs and have tons of co morbid conditions because of my weight. PCOS, Sleep Apnea and severe back pain, to name a few. I’m also constantly nauseous with occasional vomiting. My doctor diagnosed me with Silent Reflux, but the medication for it isn’t helping much. I know I’m lactose intolerant, but I’m wondering if I’m also having issues with gluten (I normally eat a lot of bread, it’s definitely a “food with no brakes” for me). 

Any tips would be appreciated.

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Definitely think about why you didn't finish before and what you can do to help you stick with it this time. For instance, if you got overwhelmed trying to cook meals every day, look for things you can make ahead, recipes that will yield leftovers for future meals, or super easy to make things that won't take much effort. If it was food boredom, look for flavorful sauces you can add to meals to change them up. 

If you find journaling helpful, you might like the Whole30 Day by Day book, which gives you daily ideas of what to expect and space to journal about your experiences. 


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Oh that’s a good idea! Last time I wasn’t doing as well financially, and couldn’t afford to finish. Plus I accidentally ate something non compliant two weeks in, I just forgot! And I was so mad I’d have to start over that I just gave up on the whole thing.

This time I am more motivated, I have a lot more co morbid conditions and I’ve gained another 50 lbs. I’m terrified I’m never going to stop gaining weight...I have to do something.

Also, this time around I’ve made extensive meal planning which I did not do last time.

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