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Bill and Eileen's Excellent Whole30 Adventure


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I made the soup--it's great! The only thing I didn't put in was the bean sprouts. I also like my curry flavors hot so I put in just a little cayenne pepper. Thanks for sharing the recipe

I would totally use more curry if my DH could tolerate it. Thanks for thefeedback--glad you likedit!

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Day 15.

Day 14 slipped by when I wasn't looking because of the missing email. :)

Breakfast: baked eggs, clementine, raw veggies, coffee

Lunch: sardines, arugula-napa-zucchini w vinaigrette, leftover mashed sweet potato

Snacks: raw veg w mayo, trail mix, decaf Americano

Supper: beef tenderloin, roasted asparagus, roasted delicato squash, kombucha

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Day 16. Wow, coming over the hump!

Breakfast: banana, hard boiled egg (pre-church quickie).

Brunch: fried eggs (ghee), oven roasted sweet potato, side pork, 1/2 clementine, coffee

Supper: salad bar, smoked salmon, kombucha

Snacks: NONE!! giving them up--from now on, bigger meals or mini meals

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Wow, day 17 already! I've got the day off from work today, so have some time to post. Work and volunteer work have been crazy busy lately.

We have been eating very well. Eileen has made some amazing meals for us and I've felt better fed than I have for a long time. Against advice, I did weigh myself a couple times just to make sure I wasn't losing more weight. Last time I tried to kick the sugar habit I lost about 10 pounds and had to bail out early. Instead, I found I've actually gained five pounds, which is a good sign. I've been trying to gain weight for years.

But otherwise, I don't think I have a gushing story of success. From what I've read, I'm not completely out of the norm. I had a couple bad days that may have stopped my progress. One stemmed from eating some gorp from the local coop. I knew it wasn't the best choice, but I was feeling deprived and the ingredients seemed to comply with the W30 program. Anyway, there must have been a dusting of gluten containing grain on it. Ouch, did I get a painful gut reaction, that lasted into the early hours of the morning.

As a consequence of the gut reaction my hiatal hernia flared up. And because it had been awhile since I last had that happen, it took a couple days to sink in. It was a couple days later before I finally got the hiatal hernia back under control. Bottom line is that I will probably have to extend beyond the 30 days to reap the full effect of gut healing.

Here are things I am noticing:

  • Arthritis in the wrists is definitely better, but not gone.
  • Two patches of psoriasis I've been treating with expensive Rx topical are better, but still active.
  • Peripheral neuropathy that usually surfaces this time of year is about the same as last year (much better than in the old celiac days!), but still getting a little in left index finger.
  • Feelings of intestinal discomfort on and off, which sounds normal for many.
  • Not craving sugar, but feeling strangely ‘deprived' in an odd way.
  • A little moody and anxious.

Anyway, I've seen a lot of benefit for Eileen from this excellent adventure. Her energy level is much better and she wants to go out and do a few things in the evening. This seems to be a real answer for her health, so whatever happens for the next 2-3 weeks, it's already been one of the best things we could do this January.

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Ann, I used a little more than a teaspoon per my 6-ounce espresso and whirled it in the blender. There's a Forum topic about it.


I'm probably not going to make it regularly. It's more work and more fat and I don't mind it black.

But fat is good! Or you're already getting your 1 to 2 thumbs' worth with every meal? ^_^

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But fat is good! Or you're already getting your 1 to 2 thumbs' worth with every meal? ^_^

I am such a fat fiend! At LEAST 2 thumbs' worth. Homemade mayo is the bomb. Thanks for the encouragement though. It's so common for people to be afraid of fats.

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Day 17. TIRED from finishing up final for online course (hooray) and doing lots of food prep. Was out of chicken broth, so guy gets me chicken backs from local free range chicken producer, 26 pounds for $.25/pound. Boiled them overnight last night and still need to strain out and find somewhere to let 3 gals of broth settle out. And do dishes. Aargh.

Breakfast: scrambled eggs, side pork, sauteed peppers & onions, leftover roasted yams, clementine, coffee

Lunch: smoked salmon, chopped & roasted broccoli stalk mixed with grape tomatoes, leftover roast squash with mayo (clenin' out the fridg).

Supper: grilled chicken; Brussels sprouts roasted in side pork fat; salad of Napa cabbage, arugula, celery heart w/vinaigrette; trail mix, San Pellegrino w/lemon

Snacks: None. Didn't need 'em.

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Day 18. Wow.

Breakfast: baked eggs, sauteed peppers & onions, clementine, coffee.

Lunch: leftover grilled chicken & green salad, roasted broccoli.

Supper: grilled bison patty, lunch leftovers, spaghetti squash, mayo.

Snacks (party): marinated olives (my contribution), dehydratd nuts, cashew tahini (compliant!), raw veg, kombucha.

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Day 19. HUNGER. I made the mistake of having 4 egg whites (left over from making mayo) for breakfast. Guess I really need those yolks!

Breakfast: 4 egg whites scrambled with ghee, smoked salmon, sauteed peppers & onions, clementine, coffee.

Lunch: leftover chicken, leftover roasted Brussels sprouts, leftover roasted asparagus, mayo, leftover Napa cabbage salad.

Supper: Moroccan brined & roasted chicken, kombucha (it turned out dry and sweet potatoes weren't done by the time I had to leave).

Snbacks: 4 handfuls trail mix, raw veg & Mayo.

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Day 20. Ate well & no snacks needed.

Breakfast: baked eggs, sauteed peppers & onions, clementine, coffee.

Lunch: ground bison with olives & herbs, sweet potato mashed with mayo, baby spinach.

Supper: grassfed slow roasted beef back ribs with zatahr rub and coconut aminos, radicchio arugula salad with figs & walnuts, kombucha.

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Day 21!

Breakfast: scrambled eggs, smoked salmon, sauteed peppers & onions, clementine, coffee.

Lunch: leftover chicken, sweet potato-mayo mash, leftover radicchio-arugula salad.

Supper: dinner event; taco salad on the menu. Passed up: wine, apple tea, bread, hummus, most of entree, Mexican fried ice cream. Brought own food (yay me!): grilled salmon, hard boiled egg, tomatoes, black olives, onions, salad greens, 1/2 avo, kombucha.

Snack: trail mix.

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Day 22

Brunch: baked eggs (new batch in prosciutto cups w spinach & nutmeg), clementine, coffee.

Lupper (late lunch that stayed with me): leftover chicken, rest of radicchio-arugula salad, raw veg & mayo.

Cheat-y Saturday night munchies: trail mix, kombucha in a wine glass.

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How'd you like the prosciutto cups? I saw that Costco had prosciutto that looked compliant and I was wondering how I'd use it. The idea of "cups" sounds interesting. (Plus I've been thinking that "egg muffins" would be really helpful to have on hand...)

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terez, prosciutto cups are good but a little tricky and time consuming.

Oil the cups and top surface well using a brush or you'll be a-scrubbin big time. I used scant half teaspoon side pork grease per cup.

Keep prosc cool while working with it or it's even harder to peel off. I would make about 12 standard size muffin cups worth out of 6 ounces. I got a few more than that today but would rather it came out even.

I put about a tablespoon thawed & somewhat squeezed spinach (pat it into a disk) then a little nutmeg or other seasoning in each cup before putting in egg. Top egg w salt & pepper.

350 degrees for about 15 to 17 mins.

I want to get jumbo muffin tins so I can use twice the spinach and not have some of the larger eggs overflow. And maybe silicone pans so they don't stick. And I think pancetta is not quite as thin, right? That might work better too.

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Terez, you could make the baked eggs quickly with just spinach and eggs, and optionally sprinkle on crumbled bacon. If you put enough oil in the cups they won't stick much at all. The recipe is a recent one on my blog. I'fe been putting sets of two in small oblong Glad plastic containers to grab and go.

I had such a struggle with the prosciutto ones today. Put the spinach in for two dozen first before the prosciutto, had to take it all out and re-grease, then peel all that paper-thin meat. I bet I spent ten times longer making than we will eating them. :)

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Day 23. I can't believe we're staying on track and enjoying the adventure so much.

Breakfast: hardboiled egg, banana. Pre-church quick munch, but then the ice storm cancellation let us lounge around all morning.

Brunch: fried eggs, side pork, roasted sweet potatoes, 1/2 clementine, coffee.

Supper: bison Pattie w mayo, mashed orange cauliflower, greens w vinaigrette, kombucha.

Snacks: trail mix (mixed a new batch), tea.



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