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Lani's 1st Whole 30 (1/7-2/5)


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I've planned my menu for week one & am getting excited. Tonight I'm taking before photos and measurements. I'm trying to talk myself into hiding the scale (someone tell me how much it helped them- please!) and in general just getting ready. Had brunch with a friend who is gluten/dairy free and she shared some menu ideas.


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Got ITSW in the mail today & can't wait to read through it!

Day 1 went well. Yoga was a little rough but I think that was mainly because today was also my first day back at work from winter break and it just takes me awhile to get back in the swing of things.

B: omelet with bell pepper. tomato and a splash of vinegar w/hot tea & coconut milk

L: Thai Chicken Soup & a big salad & a piece of apple

D: Grilled Chicken, cauliflower rice and zucchini

The cauliflower rice was really great- olive oil, garlic, onion, parsley, paprika & cayenne pepper. Very yummy.

I'm still not quite sure how I feel about the coconut milk in my tea... I'll try again again tomorrow. Maybe it would be better in a cup of coffee with cinnamon?

I had a good-bye diet coke last night & was awkwardly sad about it. However, today I've decided I'm looking forward to being the girl that doesn't order a diet coke-we'll see how long that feeling lasts. :)

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Day 2 was okay. I was just really tired and blah.

B: not planned so I ran by subway and got a salad, brought my own dressing

I was really hungry by lunch which I think shows there was not enough protein and fat in my breakfast.

L: Thai chicken soup & leftover chicken, cauliflower rice and zucchini

S: walnuts

D: Took thai chicken soup & a salad with avocado & a clementine to my small group. One person always cooks for the whole group- this week it was stuffed bell peppers with cheese. Not going to lie- that cheese smelled awesome.

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Day 3 has really kicked my butt. I had a meeting today so I sat for hours and took a lunch so I wouldn't have to deal with that issue. I had a hard time finishing my lunch, just felt blah, and then after lunch the worst headache I've had in a long time came and lasted till I could take a nap at 4:30. After an hour of sleep and some tea (with caffeine!) I felt alot better.

Craving- diet coke! Dear sweet lord how I want one. On the drive home all I kept thinking was "If I stopped and got a diet coke this could all be fixed.... and I could just swing by Wendy's and get a chicken sandwich and a diet coke then everything would be better." Thankfully I was aware enough to verbally remind myself that would be a quick fix and I'm looking for a long term solution. Talking to myself really does help. :)

B: 2 egg omelet with tomato, bell pepper, and 1/2 avocado

L: Thai chicken soup and 2 clementines

D: Shrimp, broccoli, bell pepper, mushroom stir fry with sunshine sauce (from Clothes Make the Girl) and a handful of blueberries

S: tea x 2

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Day 6-

B: leftover burger and piece of bacon (was running late!) and a sip of coffee (before I dropped it all over myself.. it was one of those mornings)

L: chicken sausage w yellow squash & mushrooms

D: roast with carrots and sweet potatoes and a handful of blueberries

S: 1/2 larabar

I'm feeling pretty spectacular today- no headaches, little lethargy, and no digestive issues. We went to the grocery store and stocked up so I can prep some food this weekend to make the week run smoother.

Week 2 Menu:

1. Chicken sausage with vegetables

2. Shrimp Stir-fry with sunshine sauce

3. Salmon with cauliflower rice and salad

4. Salad with chicken and avocado

5. Pulled pork with roasted brussel sprouts

6. Spaghetti squash with ground beef bolognese

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  • 3 weeks later...

Haven't update this in awhile. I'm on day 22 and things are going well. I've had maybe 2 bites of off plan food- they had maple syrup in them. My husband eats a pretty strict paleo diet but he forgets that some paleo things aren't on my food plan for this month.

I can definitely tell improvement. I know I've lost weight and my sleep is so much better.

I'm looking towards day 30 and thinking about what I want to add back. I think im going to try the dairy to see how it makes me feel. But even if my body doesn't respond negatively I want to limit it to a once or twice a week thing. I also want to continue to avoid sugar. I would like a little honey in my tea but that's all I need at this point. I probably have another 50 lbs to lose so I want to continue eating according to the template until I get to a healthy weight.

My birthday is at the end of February so I'm looking for a no-sugar dessert to make for my family. Any suggestions welcome!

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