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Day 9–horrible stomach issues

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Hi all, I’m on day 9. Last week was easy and I had no stomach issues at all, in fact, my usual run to the bathroom after morning coffee/breakfast was much more of a stroll and everything seemed to be more healthy. 

Well, today I am sick to my stomach and I’ve had multiple trips to the bathroom. No vomiting though. Can’t decide if this is related to whole30, or if I just have a stomach bug?? Has anyone else had these symptoms all the way in to your second week?

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Dang, sorry to hear that. Digestive upset isn't uncommon, especially dependent on what your diet was like before Whole30. Often a large increase in unfamiliar foods can do this also (raw veggies, coconut products, avocado, nuts etc).

Try eating some blander and easier to digest foods - chicken breast, banana, sweet potato etc.

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