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End of Day 2


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This is my first time with the W30. I read the book before I started, and I am glad I did. I didn’t have a healthy lifestyle before, and I needed to make this lifestyle change. I am experiencing headaches. I had one on and off all day today. Otherwise, I was hungry today too, but I noticed it was right before meal times. I truly hope I can do this. I know I can, but I also know my bad habits as I am my own worst enemy.

I’m hoping tomorrow the headache lessens going into Day 3. Fingers crossed. I can’t wait to hit Day 30 and look back on this post! Good luck everyone!

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Hi, @Victoria_b. Headaches are pretty common during the first few days. If by chance you are having less caffeine than you normally would, that can contribute to them as well.

Be sure you drink plenty of water, salt your food, and if the headaches are bad enough that you need to take something, it's ok to.

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

@Victoria_b You can do this!! As mentioned above, headaches are common but usually only last for several days. I’m not sure which of the books you read but you can always go back to reference the information you read throughout the 30 days to help remind you why you started!

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