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Day 21 of Whole 30


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I am amazed at how much energy I have since starting the Whole 30 Program.  Although it hasn't been as "hard" as I thought it was going to be, it has had its challenges. Prior to starting the whole 30, I ate pretty healthy. My issues were snacking, out of boredom, comfort, punishment.  A friend of mine suggested the book and I bought it. Could not be happier that I bought it.  Especially learning how to "fix" my relationship with food. Eating when my body is hungry not because I'm bored, sad or happy.  

After a week of being on the Whole30, my boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me.  I was crushed. The future that I thought was ahead of me, was now over.  The old me would have bought a big mac and a bottle of wine and drowned my sorrows.  However I fought the urge and just felt my feelings.  It wasn't easy but still a non scale victory.  Less then a week later, I found out he had cheated on me with his EX.  Even more crushed.  Still I was able to keep myself from eating my feelings.  Athough I am going through a lot, this is something I can control.  I can control myself from eating my feelings. Instead of stuffing them down with food.

I truly appreciate what I have learned from the book and what I have learned about myself.  That I WAS an emotional eater but I am NOT anymore.

Thanks for listening to my story :)

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