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I dusted off the book so I could see what you were eating. :-) Here are a couple of thoughts... 

First, what do your portions look like? Are you feeling full after you eat your meals or do you think you could eat more? Did you eat half of that spinach frittata? When eggs are your only source of protein, you should eat as many as you can hold in one hand, which is typically three to four for most people. Three eggs would be half of that frittata, plus you would have needed to add some fat. Which leads to my second question...

Are you eating plated fat with each meal? You should add a serving or two of fat to each meal. Go generous with the dressings. Eat the whole avocado. Fat is so, so important to achieving the full benefits of the program.  

And lastly, are you exercising? If so, you should be adding extra meals to compensate for what you're losing during exercise. You can check out the meal template for what that looks like. Basically, it's protein and fat before a workout (I like hard-boiled eggs) and protein and carb-dense vegetables after (I like chunks of chicken breast and sweet potato). 

I hope that helps! It's no fun to be hungry!

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Thank you Kirbz

Really helps. I was eating one egg with the Frittata. Mostly because I don't like eggs much.

I still haven't found clarified butter shopping (but will soon), so my fats are olive oil and avocado (I've been eating half the avo). I'll see what else I can do to up it. I think I'm probably low.

I just took up jogging and it's super challenging for me. But it means exercise has increased. I haven't been eating protein and fat before a work-out. I've been eating after the work-out. 

Lastly, I'm following the meals in the book exactly because I tend to improvise too much when I'm learning and find myself without enough structure and soon after I'm back to old habits. I would love have a month of structured meals to follow. 

Great input. Thank you so much.

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I'm glad this helped! Hopefully, with a few tweaks, you'll start to see some improvements! 

Also, just in case you hadn't already seen it, the meal template can be super helpful. You can find it here: https://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-meal-planning.pdf. Ur basically tells you what each meal should look like in terms of protein, fat, and vegetables. Perhaps this would give you a nice balance of structure but allow some improvisation from you (if you want that)... ?

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If you look online, just be careful because a lot of sites are trying to take advantage of the Whole30 brand by claiming Whole30 recipes that aren't actually Whole30 at all. If you want some reliable sources, I recommend checking out the @Whole30Recipes Instagram page and looking at those bloggers for recipes. They'll be reliable when they claim to be Whole30. 

Some of my favorites are (all of which have been featured on the @Whole30Recipes Instagram page): 

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