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Normal to feel less hungry?

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I'm on day 5 of my second Whole30 - I had a great experience when I did it a year ago and feel really positive about learning more the second time around. I've been surprised this time around though that I generally feel less hungry than normal - like I just don't feel like eating much, and I think that's contributing to overall feelings of fatigue and lethargy. I don't think I'm getting sick - I just feel significantly less like eating overall. Have others experienced this at the beginning of a Whole30, any thoughts or tips to share? I don't want to eat when I don't need to but I also need to get some energy back! Thanks in advance for anything others can share on this aspect of my current experience. 

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It's not uncommon at all. Sometimes it can be from hormonal imbalance and sometimes it can be from the nutritional density of the Whole30 foods if the person came from a less whole foods approach. Also, lack of appetite begets lack of eating which further begets lack of appetite. It can be quite the circle because the further you go along the more nauseous and unwell feeling. Try and make palatable meals and eat them every 4-5 hours until your signals regulate. It shouldn't take too long. Having the first meal within an hour of waking will also help quite a bit. If you're only eating a bit, prioritize protein, veggies and fats and leave off fruits.

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