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First time Whole 30


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Mistakes I Made

I did this 4 years ago and it worked for so many reasons, physical results, energy, blood pressure, and a feeling of energy and mental clarity. After 30 days I just skipped re-entry, resumed cheese, ice cream, pizza, etc. gained weight and resumed the meds I had lost the need for. If you love the results you get in 30 days I recommend you consider very little, very slow, re-entry, if any, and save yourself the discomfort. I’m on day #4 and that’s what I plan to do. All the best.

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

@RBranham92 Welcome! How exciting for you that you're getting ready to start your Whole30 Journey. Believe it when people say it's life changing. :)

 There is lots of support on here, as well as answers to many of the questions you may have. If you're on social media, following Whole30 and Whole30recipes are great ways to have inspiration in your feed. There are also lots of Whole30 coaches who put out inspiring content.  Let us know how you're doing, and reach out if you have questions or need to connect with supportive people. 

In case you haven't read it, here's a great article with some tips for Whole30 Success https://whole30.com/dietitian-success-tips/

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