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...sweet potato toast?


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Hello! I'm on day 5 of my first whole30 and I've started incorporating my workout routine back into my daily routine.  My favorite workout is a HIIT workout on a stationary bike.  It tends to take a lot out of me so I've been sure to follow the pre/post workout meal procedure to ensure I have enough energy to get me through my workout and beyond.  The last two days I experimented with sweet potato toast as a post workout snack.  I slice up a sweet potato and put it in the toaster 2-3 times and then top it off with almond butter, sliced banana and a sprinkle of cinnamon.  It tastes great, but I'm wondering if this falls under the same category as pancakes since I'm imitating "toast."  The biggest thing I want to take away from my whole30 is a better relationship with food and a handle on my crazy sugar and comfort foods cravings.  Am I just overthinking this?  Thank you, any help/feedback would be much appreciated :)

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The point where vegetables become swypo tends to be when you're adding some kind of flour alternative and eggs or other ingredients to make the vegetables more closely resemble bread or other baked goods. If you just slice up a vegetable in a different shape and cook it, it's fine. 

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