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This is how I celebrate...


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...my first week of whole30.

With tea and exercise : )

Yesterday was my day7 so I took on board what was in the daily email and set off to the shops to reward myself.

T2 sell the most fabulous range of teas, so I splashed out and bought a big bag of an old favourite and a small box of a new blend to try.

Ok not quite as much fun as a bottle of Moët but much more in the spirit of what I am trying to do.

I then went and hit the gym (walking past a noodle bar, subway, fish and chip,shop, bakery and bottle shop to do so) I won't lie lifting has been a lot harder this week as my body gets used to less of whatever it was I was eating before.

My reflections on the first week.

My clothes that were snug after Christmas now fit again

I am able to go slightly longer periods between meals

I need to shop more often (I spent $70 of fruit and veg on Friday and I am off to the shops again today as we are down to carrots and sweet potato)

Sugar and I do not get along, I do better without it

Brain fog and lethargy are a pain but worth pushing through it as by the end of the week I feel much better.

I like eating this way. The food is yum!

I may run t he risk of becoming a zealot and attempting to convert others who are in no way interested...best to keep my mouth shut.

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Haha, great post glimmer. I'm into my third day and feeling the pain (tired, bit nauseous, headachy, grumpy) so it is good to hear that you have come out the other end (not foggy or lethargic). Must remember to reward myself at the end of the week. :)

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