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Jesmadi whole30 log


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I am on day four - I just found this site so I am hoping it helps...

Goals: Get my B/P normal. Lose weight. Feel better about myself

I am 5'4 and 39 years old, I have one daughter.

Start weight 186lbs

Today's weight 184.6

B/P: 150/96

Energy: High

Emotions: Edgy but optimistic

Today I ate:


1 banana

2 pieces bacon

2 coffee


Huge salad no dressing

Roasted pork sliced on top

water (Lots of water)


Huge salad (no dressing but added table salt for flavor)

1 large baked chicken breast with salt, pepper, paprika, garlic

Lots of water

Hopefully by posting here I will feel accountable for what I eat and it will be easier. I was a super bitch today but since I am usually fairly nice my coworkers forgave me. ;)

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Hiya & welcome, I'm 39 and 5'4 too :D

I hope you don't mind me giving some feedabck on your log..

You will get the most from youur W30 if you not only follow the nutrition guidelines 9ie don't eat x,y,z) but also the meal planning template


So for example your breakfast needs veg, and your lunch and dinner need more veg (unless it was a mixed salad?) and fat. Fat is so imprtant to keep you full & happy.

Also, and I know it is tough, refrain from weighing yourself, it's in the guidelines, your success is measured by so much more than the number on that box.

Welcome & good luck :)

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Hiya & welcome, I'm 39 and 5'4 too :D

I hope you don't mind me giving some feedabck on your log..

You will get the most from youur W30 if you not only follow the nutrition guidelines 9ie don't eat x,y,z) but also the meal planning template


So for example your breakfast needs veg, and your lunch and dinner need more veg (unless it was a mixed salad?) and fat. Fat is so imprtant to keep you full & happy.

Also, and I know it is tough, refrain from weighing yourself, it's in the guidelines, your success is measured by so much more than the number on that box.

Welcome & good luck :)

I really really appreciate any and all advice and feedback. I stumbled across the whole30 on an internet search for cleaner living and don't know anyone IRL doing it so I am just going at it blindly trying to read and take in as much information as I can so I can do a good job.

I have to say so far I am LOVING how I feel. Staying off the scale is rough but adding more veggies and fat is something I will start doing better. I do eat huge salads at lunch and dinner and I honestly don't love dressing, salt and pepper on fresh crisp veggies is heaven to me.

Thanks again and it is nice to "meet" you. :)

My log

Yesterday I was not so good



Bacon x2

Coffee x 2

(I will start adding a veg in here)


It was my company party at a very fancy restuarant - ohhh the temptation when the various cheese plates were presented (I admit I took the tiniest bite of a piece of Drunken Goat when offered by my best co-worker, I haven't told anyone I am doing this)

Chicken Limoncello with sauce on the side

egg washed chicken with asparagus and lump crab meat and a side of homemade pasta which I ignored

I ate half and boxed the rest

Lots and lots of water


Filet seared in evoo with salt and pepper

Huge salad

Lots and lots of water

Friend stopped by and that was the end of good... :(

She brought wine -sigh

I will have to start "coming out" about my new way of life. I was hoping to keep a secret until I was done and could really give an accurate account of the whole30 without dragging anyone through it with me.

So anyway, she left and I was feeling a little too "good" after the wine and ended up devouring the rest of my lunch...

So today I start again - a little smarter about my weaknesses and hopefully I can really do it this time... I only made it 5 days.

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Oh well, sh!t happens. Maybe even instead of re-starting today, give yourself a start day of Monday 21st and use the week to get the book, research & plan..and of course not do several days of last-hurrah-ing. Maybe if you are more familiar with the plan & the reasoning behind it you'll feel more confident coming out to your friends. You might even get some to join you!

Just my tuppence worth :)

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Thanks Derval.

I am just going to keep with it and not wait. I am feeling too good to go back to eating the way I used to. I have this weekend to continue to do my best and to hit the bookstore for the books I need to really understand more of this way of life.

I will say that reading everyone's logs is super helpful - I am so glad they have these forums for us newbs.

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