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Diner Food


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Hey there! 

      Tomorrow is day 13 for me and we are going to  a diner  (for breakfast) to celebrate my grandfathers birthday! My question is, are there any “safe” options at the diner or do we think it’s best I don’t eat? I don’t want to throw 13 days away! If you do think it can be done safely, what foods would you recommend? 

Thank you! 

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Well I assume you have already gone. Ask about what oil they use and if they add diary to their eggs? Most places do not or can omit it by cracking fresh eggs. So you can usually have a veggie scramble/omelet (with no cheese) or eggs cooked most ways. Worst case most places and poach, hard or soft boil eggs and those should be completely safe. They may have a compliant chicken you can add (but you would need to ask). Almost all cheap bacon, sausage, etc. would have sugar, soy or other non compliant items in them.

Also, most hash browns have dextrose unless they make their own. A lot of home fries tend to be okay (but you would need to ask) since they could have the same dextrose issue if they use premade ones. Tea and coffee are good. Side of fruit is usually fine. You can usually make it work.

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