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Worst period in years!


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I'm on day 13, and got my period yesterday. As background, I've been on some form of hormonal birth control for the past 14 years to help with the debilitating periods I had as a teen. Through those years, my symptoms (cramps, headache, lethargy) have ranged from manageable to non-existent.

This one, however, is the worst I can remember in recent history. Is this normal for my first Whole30?

I had been eating mostly paleo for about a year, but completely fell off the wagon around the holidays, which is my reasoning for doing the Whole30 in the first place.


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The very first pill-free one I had after I started Whole30 was possibly the worst I've ever felt in my life. Brutal cramps plus what felt like a full-body migraine aura. And, TMI, it seemed like I killed off some microflora in there or something because I had a lot of weird stuff coming out. Since then any symptoms have been much reduced, less cramping and bloating, and no pre- or postMS. Wait and see if subsequent ones go better, it might just be adjustment.

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The very first pill-free one I had after I started Whole30 was possibly the worst I've ever felt in my life. Brutal cramps plus what felt like a full-body migraine aura. And, TMI, it seemed like I killed off some microflora in there or something because I had a lot of weird stuff coming out. Since then any symptoms have been much reduced, less cramping and bloating, and no pre- or postMS. Wait and see if subsequent ones go better, it might just be adjustment.

I guess I should have been clearer-- I am still on the pill (now for more reasons than period relief)!

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I have similar issues. I was on DEPO for over a year, and if people think I'm a biotch now... holy man alive. My mother told me she was going to punch me in the face if I didn't get off of it (in the most loving way possible, of course). Speaking of my mother, she had her period for 3 YEARS STRAIGHT. She finally begged long enough and she was granted a hysterectomy. She also had a breast reduction from a 34EEEE to a C cup. 1 pound of boob off of each one! The reason why I go into this is that I didn't want to be in the same boat. I read somewhere that pain killers, and other medication make your cycle that much more painful and uncomfortable. So I stopped popping an Advil here and there, and stopped with the birth control. It took 2-3 months, but now it takes very close attention to know its coming. During this whole30 I went from using a full box of super plus tampons to 4. That's it! 4 tampons. I definitely think in my situation, that not taking any medication has made a world of difference. If I were to use birth control, I would go with the Nuva ring again, as it was a very low hormonal dose, and was impossible to forget to take…Hope you're feeling better soon, good luck!

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My periods are not terribly regular anyway, but I chart now and my ovulation is late this month on W30. When your hormones are adjusting, your period can certainly reflect that in a multitude of ways. I'd see how it goes for the next couple months, keeping in mind that reintroductions might affect things as well. Unless it's REALLY bad, in which case visit your Dr.

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I noticed on my second Whole30 mine seemed heavier and it started earlier (but ended earlier thankfully!). I'm also on BC, so you'd think those hormones would remain constant, but I guess not, because I've read several threads on here about how peoples' periods change when they are on the Whole30. So I don't think it's anything you need to worry about! Just keep an eye on it and maybe mention it next time you go in for your yearly exam. That's what I'm planning to do at least.

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