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Starting Jan 21, 2013


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I just found out about the Whole30 this week. I decided back in December to cook through the entire cook book Well Fed in 2013 and it led me here. I have 2 others participating with me.

I have a long way to go with healthy eating I am hoping this is the kick in the butt I need

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I am starting Jan21 as well. I would love to connect with you and anyone else who is on this day.

I am nervous about joining the facebook page since I don't know if I want my facebook friends to see my posts about the diet (too many professional contacts). I'm obviously revealing that I don't know how this would work on facebook, so if I am wrong about others being able to see it, please let me know.

I tried to start the plan 3 times this week already however fell off the wagon with various temptations (I just had to eat my daughter's toast). It has helped as sort of a practice run with the cooking though.

I am prepping and will be ready Jan 21. I am glad there are others on the same timetable!

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Day 1 went fine...day 2 even didn't stink too badly...but today, day 3...well, it is full of temptation. I still haven't had the massive exhaustion attacks hit me yet, but today was temptation heaven. Hooray, teacher's gift from some of the kids in my AWANA group...those are definitely going to the office for everyone else to eat! I'll keep the card!

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