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here we go again


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A little history: I've been eating paleo since February of 2012. I did my first W30 in August. A W14 in October when I bogged down. Then the last two weeks of December I ate whatever the hell was in front of me. I tried to start a W30 on January 1st, but fell on my face. It's like months of learning self-control went out the window in that two week period of eating everything.

I honestly don't know what to do. I think I need to do another W30, but it feels so overwhelming. I hear this voice telling me that I am going to fail again so why bother getting started.

I've been eating greek yogurt (unsweetened) and it is like I can't stop eating it. I ate a quart in one day. I just re-read the manifesto about dairy and it was helpful. I don't think it causes me digestive troubles, but the information about the insulin spike it causes was helpful. I think that's why I crave more and more.

I want to eat my damn greek yogurt. I don't want to do a W30. I've given serious consideration to going on a strict weigh and measure diet so that I can have some structure. But eating paleo is the only peace I've had about food in my 44 years.

I want to have a healthy relationship with food. For a while there I really did. I had some self-control and if I thought I was eating too much fruit for instance I was able to cut back. Now I can't even think about restricting fruit or dairy. Sigh. Why is this so damn hard?

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I did a successful W30 in July, tried for a second a couple times in late fall but didn't last for more than a couple days each time. I started again Jan 7, and for whatever reason I'm able to stick with it this time. Maybe because my life was crazy hectic/stressful through the fall months (my dad was in and out of intensive care) and things are quieter / much less stressful in my life at the moment. I'd like to believe that doing multiple W30's will make it easier for me to navigate stressful times.

Did you do a log in here for your first W30? Or a success story when you were done? If so, maybe it would help your motivation to go back and read those, start to finish, and remember the wonderful benefits you got from it?

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I remember you from August! I recognize your photo. That was my second Whole30 and I STILL let the wheels come off when it got to the holidays. So I am back again to relearn my lesson. I've fallen in with a group that had all had similar issues. So we decided we are doing a Whole100, because obviously, 30 days wasn't long enough to change old habits.

I thought the longer time would make it harder, but it actually makes it easier. At this point in my first 2 Whole30s (Day 18) I would have been fantasizing about what I was going to have in just 12 more days. Not the attitude I need to make a lifestyle change.

This time, the end being so far off, I'm not even thinking about the stuff I used to eat, or the wine I used to drink. And I'm hoping that makes the difference. I have a big group to help keep me accountable, and I know the program and my weaknesses, so I have no excuses.

All I can say is, jump in and do it! We all know logically (and physically) that this is the answer. Sometimes we just have to tell our inner 2 year old to shut up! That life doesn't consist solely of "I want". You know you'll get lots of support here.

I want this way of eating to become second nature. I don't want to have to keep coming back here every few months to deprogram myself. And it will take as long as it takes.

The difference between success and failure is not how many times you fall. It's how many times you get back up and try again.

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I posted on Friday and was so unclear as to what I needed. I decided to start the W30 plan one day at a time. It's now day 4 and I feel good. I couldn't put the idea of 30 days in my head 4 days ago. Eating the junk really made it hard to think clearly. I still don't know if I will do a W30 or a W45 or a W100, but hanging on to day 4 for now.

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