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Whole New Whole30 (second attempt)


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Hello! I was supposed to start my Whole30 last Sunday...well, it did not go well. I got the flu in the beginning of the week and it all went down hill from there. I did not eat well or exercise, which was one of my goals. So, now I hope to start anew...

I am going to start my Whole30 tomorrow (Monday 1/21). I will try to stick with it this time, I WILL STICK WITH IT THIS TIME. I hope that writing daily on this forum will help me to have some accountability to someone other than myself and my husband (who isn't the best influence when it comes to eating healthy-although he is in good shape and attempts to be supportive).

I want to do this Whole30 because I want to feel good in my own skin, I want to gain some confidence and develop a healthy lifestyle so that I can be a good example to my future children and avoid any preventable health problems. I have printed off everything that I could think of from this sight and have already put the Nutritional Road Map up on the fridge to remind myself that a moment of (unhealthy) deliciousness is not worth the physical and emotional problems that it causes me. I also have cleaned out my cupboards and fridge to the best of my ability (the husband is not doing the Whole30, so some of his food remains) and have went grocery shopping. So, here goes round two! I would say wish me luck, but I really hope I don't need it. :P

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Monday- Day 1

I am not normally a breakfast eater, I have been doing the daily fast type thing that it talks about on leangains- I normally don't eat until lunch time, but if that is going to hurt my results, I will need to start eating breakfast...anyone have any input?

Here is what I had for meals:

lunch-cucumbers, carrots and radishes (raw) with two hard-boiled eggs

snack ( I was so hungry after work)-venison chops

supper-venison steak with stir fry vegetables


I am debating on cutting out fruit already, I have a serious sweet tooth and would like to break off my unhealthy relationship with anything sweet.

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Good for you, SHogan!

You asked for input. I am not a mod and I'm newish to the Whole30 (on Day 21). Bearing that in mind, here's my input:

1) On the Whole30 we're eating 3 meals a day, with specific timing. The first meal within an hour of waking and the next two meals within 4 to 5 hours of the previous one

2) The reason for the timing of the meals is to reset our hormones. So, three meals a day.

3) Remember guidelines on the content of meals: as many eggs as we can hold in one hand (which is at least 3 unless you're a tiny little thing), add one to two "thumbs" of fat per meal, etc. Here's a link to the guidelines.

4) This next comment is from me personally and not part of the Whole30: reading the book "Deep Nutrition" will solidify your resolve to eat well for the sake of your future children. (I want to give it to every young couple I know!)



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