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Lightheaded during workouts

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Day 16 - I have been getting lightheaded & dizzy during some of my crossfit workouts mainly burpees and during high intensity squats. I should add that I am recovering from a viral infection that I had during the holidays with New Years day being spent in an emergency clinic getting an IV from dehydration, breathing treatment for Bronchitis and received a strong antibiotic for a bladder infection. I have sports induced asthma. Any advice would be helpful to counteract this. Thanks

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Maybe you need to drink more. I get lightheaded when I am even mildly dehydrated. And I am shocked at how much I have to drink to get enough water in me. Now I weight 195 pounds, but I usually drink 20 cups per day and more when I am in the gym.

The other possibility is possibly needing to eat more. Lots of people do not eat enough during a Whole30 and CrossFit workouts demand a lot of energy.

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Day 16 - I have been getting lightheaded & dizzy during some of my crossfit workouts mainly burpees and during high intensity squats. I should add that I am recovering from a viral infection that I had during the holidays with New Years day being spent in an emergency clinic getting an IV from dehydration, breathing treatment for Bronchitis and received a strong antibiotic for a bladder infection. I have sports induced asthma. Any advice would be helpful to counteract this. Thanks

This happened to me my first week of Whole30 (I'm on Day 23 now). I work out early in the morning and I had to stop halfway through my crossfit WOD and sit down for a few minutes before starting again. I also have exercise induced asthma. For me, the key was to make sure that as soon as I got up in the morning I got some food in me. The first week just protein didn't work, but after the first week, it seems to work just fine. Usually a hard boiled egg, or if I'm desperate and running late, I'll have a spoon of almond butter. The comment on water is a good one. Seems like I'm thirsty all the time now! Also, my coach mentioned that I needed to make sure I was getting enough fat in my meals in the evening. When I went back and looked at my dinner the night before, I barely had any fat at all.

I don't know if any of these things will work, but hopefully you'll find the right combo!

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