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1 Week In and Feeling Great!


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Today is Day 7 of my first Whole 30, and I am feeling pretty great. This isn't quite as hard as I thought it would be! The food is DELICIOUS! My biggest fear is that I will get bored of these types of meals, but there are so many great ideas out there on the web, and there are so many new recipes I want to try! I did suffer a bit from some "side effects" at first - BIG headaches when I woke up (I think my body was in sugar withdrawel), and some pretty intense GI movement (again, I think this was my body detoxing and letting go of all the crap I put in it before my Whole 30). I am still having some tummy aches from time to time, but overall, I am not having a hugely hard time with cravings, which I am SO happy about. My husband and I are already talking about how we think we want to integrate these practices into the way we eat permanently. He is sleeping much better, we both feel less bloated, and we are both amazed at how good our meals instantly make us feel (rather than the opposite!)

I have noticed that my sensitivity to my insulin for my diabetes has been more predictable, although I am still suffering from intense blood glucose spikes if I have any dried fruit, so I am going to try to stay away from it if I can (let's slay that sugar dragon!). I am hoping as my body heals, my pancreas will start to kick in and produce more insulin on its own... we will see.

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Good for you! I've done 2 previous Whole30s, but each time I eventually did a bit too much backsliding and started feeling crappy again. So this is a Whole100. Hopefully the habits will be so ingrained that I don't lose them.

I'm with you on the food. I have so many recipes Pinned that I may never run out of delicious things to eat. People look at me with pity for all the things I 'can't' have. They have no idea that I'm eating gourmet 7 days a week, losing weight and feeling better than ever!

In my case, this way of eating caused my arthritis to disappear completely. Here's hoping the same goes for your diabetes. I took us years to get this unhealthy. We won't fix it all in a month, or even three. But I'm in it for the long haul.

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