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Almond Flour


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I'm brand new to this and still am confused about almond flour. I understand that it's ok to use to bread meat but I'm wondering if I can make a homemade cracker using the following ingredients:

blanched almond flour, sea salt, chopped fresh herbs, extra virgin olive oil and eggs??



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Haha, I was about to ask what SWYPO means but smartly decided to google it! Thanks, I guess I'll interpret that to mean we should want real food, not snack type foods. Stick to fruit, veggies, meat, nuts, etc. My husband is still wondering why he can't have an occasional glass of sulfite free red wine during the Whole30 though...


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Lol...I figured you'd speak up if you weren't sure what it meant. :) You have it exactly right.

No alcohol is allowed. It really has nothing to do with the sulphites in this case. Food is meant to make you healthier or not and wine is a not. There is also the psychological part that is equally important. It can weaken your resolve and also takes up space where some good nutritious food could be. He certainly could make that the first item he reintroduces though. :)

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Hi Whole 30 adventurers.....I am on day 10 and cooking my way through ISWF & Well Fed recipes. The peach almond crisp and a few other recipes call for almond flour. These are whole 30 books so is that not ok too then? Would that be considered SWYPO too? :) Or shoud I save that for the re-introduction phase right after whole 30 completion?


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