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Excited for Friends!


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So I've been done with Whole30 for a couple of weeks now and I'm excited to share that some of my friends have decided to try it for themselves! I was posting a lot of food pics to all social networks to 1. keep myself accountable by oversharing and 2. showing others that I'm just eating normally - nothing crazy, not depriving myself, etc. Apparently all my posting motivated others to try it!

I've got 5 friends (and none who know each other so they all decided this on their own) who are now on Whole30 - that is 5 more than I expected! They all joined for very different reasons - healthier eating habits, geting off meds, etc.

I think the best part is one person said that I motivated her because she's a mom of 3 kids and runs her own photography business - and me, a person with a full-time job, teach dance class several days a week, run a side design business, etc, can make time to cook really delicious looking foods - anyone can do this and be in control of their health! There are no excuses!

I'm really excited to see others have "seen the light" and am happy to guide them, as well as turn them to awesome resources like favorite blogs, ISWF, and of course, these forums :)


Have any of you gotten friends to try Whole30? I didn't even try to peer pressure anyone. Just posted pics with "look how yummy this is!" haha.

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that's awesome! i just finished my whole30 yesterday (haven't written up my wrap-up thoughts on it yet, though :) ) and apparently my instagram photos that i posted of meals that i made (as well as a blog i kept) inspired a friend of mine on the opposite coast as well as her friend to try paleo! it's pretty cool to inspire friends just by sharing food pics :P

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That is great aerial! I have yet to get anyone to try Whole30. There are a few that I really wish would but they still keep making excuses why they "can't" as they are complaining about the very issues that would be resolved. Sigh...

I have however, gotten a couple to at least eat a Paleo diet so I will take that for now. :rolleyes:

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I wish I could convince my friends...maybe someday! I'd settle for just my husband, really...

I have one ex-Paleo friend who I swear has gone off the deep end. She's "trying to get jacked for being a bridesmaid this summer" and is eating seven "meals" a day. She freaks out about fat. Two or three "meals" are just protein shakes from powder (ugh!) and she's taking all kinds of crazy supplements. Most of the rest of the meals are chicken breasts, baked with Penzey's seasonings, sweet potato mash (no fat added, just a little cinnamon), and steamed broccoli. It's boring just watching her! She tries to justify it by saying that "fat will make me fat...besides, I use different seasonings on the chicken!"

I have another friend who's doing the Insanity diet. Enough said.

And I have quite a few friends who I know would benefit from eating this way so much (lots of people I know have thyroid problems, and getting enough good fat is supposed to help alleviate some of that) so they can maybe get off their pharmaceutical cornucopia every day. Heck, I'd love for my parents - my dad's had kidney stones since two years ago. They finally think he's done with new ones, but while he's made a lot of changes in the right direction (more veggies of the non-green leafy type due to the stones/oxalic acid thing) he still uses margarine. Eats lots of bread and potatoes. He has given up his daily big gulp of Pepsi, which I guess is better than nothing, right?

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Yea, I didn't set forth to convince people to try Whole30 (okay maybe I sort of was hoping I could with all my pics) so it was really surprising for me to see that friends were actually intrigued enough to try it for themselves. Not just "oh, I'll try it." They actually told me they were already underway!

I hear ya on listening to other friends about their crazy diets. I try to stay open minded when friends post what they eat but when they talk about how they're eating "fat free" or "light" foods, eating super teeny tiny portions of things that have no real nutritional value, etc. I soo want to shake them and say "come see the light! The way I eat is so good for you and you won't feel deprived!" But I've learned, and this was true for myself, that you can't really convince someone to make healthier strides unless they see it themselves.

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I started my first Whole30 because of a friend's inspiration, so I'm very grateful to folks who are able to put it out there like that.

I have some other friends who are trying different ways to eat healthy - my ex (counts as a friend) is vegetarian; another friend who wants to lose 250 lbs is on a medical fast type diet; another friend just started Weight Watchers and is really excited about it. And an online acquaintance recently did a detox diet for 28 days that I didn't quite understand but that took away her migraines. I think I have figured out that when folks are on the road to healthy, often just trading junk for whole foods, however you do it, is a huge huge step. That said, I'm really glad to have found Whole30 because frankly, I wouldn't have stuck to anything else. This way of eating is pretty intuitive.

Hmmm... wonder who I could inspire to eat better? :wub:

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