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Sandzu's PW30 Re-entry log


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Day 1 - Dairy

I made it through 45 days and am going to try to re-introduce some foods. I don't want to jump in and just eat anything and everything. I want to move cautiously and check each item so I know what exactly I am having a problem with. I am starting with dairy because I know it is one of those touchy foods. I am lactose intolerant and have never been able to stomach milk. I have in the past been able to do ok with heavy cream, yogurt , cheese, and butter so that is what I will be testing over a couple of days.

Started with 18% cream in my coffee. I have been drinking it black for 45 days now and was expecting a luxuriant cup of coffee today -- but was very disappointed. I didn't even like the taste. Within minutes my stomach started to cramp up. :(

I had another cup of cream ladden coffee later in the day and again felt awful. I am now gassy and bloated and the glands in my neck are swelling. This very disappointing. I used to drink this all the time and thought I was fine -- but I am not fine now.

I was going to try some goat yogurt later - but I am now thinking I will wait until tomorrow as the cream has me feeling pretty bad.. I decided to avoid any dairy that was paired with sugar because I know I have sugar issues. I wanted to see what dairy would do to me without the sugar dragon.

B - missed breakfast ( was up late last night and slept in today)

L - Steak, carrots, CO, coffee w/ 18% cream , had a second coffee with cream later in the afternoon

D - chicken breast, asperagus, carrots, avocado, handful of blueberries

I will try some yogurt tomorrow after the cream leaves my system.

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Day 2 went better. Had some plain Greek yogurt made from goat milk and cream. It felt good - like I was having a real sugar free treat and there was no pain. I wonder why I had a bad reaction to cream but the yogurt was wonderful.

B - Greek yogurt with blueberries

L- 3 eggs 4 bacon black coffee

D - pork ribs cabbage carrots squash blueberries

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Day 3 - back to whole 30 for me.

I didn't feel so great after having some dairy. Even though yesterdays yogurt seemed to go well. My tummy is not feeling so good today, gassy and generally feeling off so I am resting by going back to eating whole 30 for a few days.

B - coffee - slept in and ran out of time and only grabbed coffee. Was not hungry so by the time I got around to having some breakfast, it was almost lunch so I just had a bigish lunch.

L - bacon, eggs, squash, coffee black

D - big salad with chicken, water, handful of almonds

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Day 4 - feeling really good today. Funny how I have no desires to cheat or even crave any bad stuff now that I have given myself permission to do so. I have made no additions again today and have recovered from my dairy experiments. I was eating a lot of fruit and thinking about cheating on some sugary foods around my 40th day of W45 but now here I am on day 4 of PW30 and I have no desire for such things....not even fruit. lol its crazy !! Its even pouring rain today and I feel happy -- very strange.

B - 1/2 Avocado and sausage

L - 1/2 Avocado, Big Salad with chicken

D - 2 Chicken legs and thighs, squash and carrots

S - after the gym I had a peice of sausage

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Day 5 - and we have a problem. The day started out ok with planning on adding in some potato - just to see what happens. Well disaster happened. I ended up eating all kinds of stuff and its hard to tell what my issue is with all this other added stuff. I;'m not really sure what happened so I will eat clean for a few more days and then try again.

B - 2 eggs, 4 bacon, 1 cup potato hash, black coffee

L - Potato crisps, frozen yogurt, coffee with creamo, Almonds

D - Fish and Chips, 1/2 blueberries

I some how ended up eating a cup of frozen yogurt for lunch which was packed with sugar and dairy when I was only supposed to be eating potato. Then I had potato fried in who knows what oil with some battered fish ( Wheat).

So what gave me the bloat and indigestion? The dairy? The sugar? The Wheat? The mystery oil? or the Potato?

I felt so in control yesterday --- did the potato cause the cravings and reduce my ability to stay in control? I will try again in a few days and see if this happens again.

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Day 7 - another good day. I did have some dairy today. Actually the left over greek yogurt that I had earlier in the week and didn't have too many problems with. Other than that I have stayed with the program.

B - greek yogurt with blueberries and banana, coffee black

L - chicken breast, 1/2 yam banana, almonds, orange

D - spagetti squash with ground beef and tomato sauce, orange, almonds

Started a new job today and found myself to be really hungry. I have another full day tomorrow so I am planning on having more protein in the morning so I last through the day without feeling hungry.

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Thanks Jessica :)

Day 8 today and I stayed w30 compliant ---except I think I ate too much. Maybe its the stress of a new job that has me munching and munching ( mostly on fruit).

B - 2 sweet potatoe pancakes, 2 eggs, 4 bacon, coffee

L - left over squash and marinara sauce, 1/2 an avocado, almonds, orange, banana, coffee

S - ( when I got home from work) banana, orange

D - Big Salad with Chicken

S - 2 bananas, 2 oranges, more almonds

I bought some fruit so that I would have something that was easy to pack in my lunches but I can't seem to control myself around fruit. It keeps being a problem. I might have to give up the idea of having fruit in my lunch for awhile. :huh:

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Day 9 - trying potatos today and being very careful to have just potatoes without any additives like canola - so making potatos at home

B - potatoe fries, 2 eggs, 2 sweet potatoe pancakes, 4 bacon

L - 2 oranges, 1 banana, 2 coffee

D - mashed potatoes, 2 meat patties, salad with chicken, orange, almonds

I feel ok so far.....still having a problem with fruit. Will see how I sleep tonight. Will have some potatoe again tomorrow and then stop for a few days and go back to W30. Was a bit stressed today ....might be why I am turning to fruit. I really wanted to give up today and just junk binge but I resisted :wacko:

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Thanks for the encouraging words :) -- I didn't sleep much at all last night --- not really sure if it was the stress or the potato. Trying another potato day and will see if I can sleep. Then I am heading back on to w30 for a bit longer until I am feeling a little more stable before I try something else.

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Better fruit than a junk binge. I know, "sugar=sugar=sugar", but I still think it's better. Hope you feel in control soon. Sounds like you have a lot going on right now, but you are still trying. So, pat yourself on the back. :)

I agree, Jessica.

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Day 11 and feeling like having a bit of chocolate -- been sooooo long. Bought some of my favorite... Lindt 90% dark - oooh sooo good and not very sweet. :) had a good sleep last night and feeling pretty in control today. Didnt eat anything bad today :) -- the chocolate was good :)

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Day 13 and my son made spagetti tonight -- I was tired after getting home from work and didnt feel like making myself something different so I had some --- my first wheat in a very very long time ( since dec 31st) -- will see what happens tonight and tomorrow.

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Day 14 and another crazzzzzy day.... continured with some wheat consumption. I have not had any sever or immediate reactions but after some pizza today I am feeling bloated. I know that even if I am not feeling anything immediate, prolonged consumption is not a good plan. Heading back to w30 compliant tomorrow :) and looking forward to it lol

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Something has gone terribly wrong with this introduction. Since I added wheat I have not been able to gain control again. I am feasting uncontrolably. I can't sleep .....bloated......aches and pains returning with a vengence......cravings for things I hate eating like cookies......never liked them before but I find myself craving them.......had a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch and broke out into hives.....haven't had hives is such a long time - not fun. Eating crazy without proper meals -- what is happening to me? I have to get back into control again. And NO MORE WHEAT!!!!! Eating that stuff is like pulling the plug on my health and my self - control.

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my post whole 30 has been an epic fail. It has only taken a week and I am so sick and in so much pain I cant continue like this. My mom is coming to visit on the 19th and plans to stay for a week. She is hoping to do a lot of walking while she is here but the way I am feeling right now I can barely walk to my car let alone hike trails. I am going back to whole 30 for the next few weeks and hoping it will alliviate the pain I am in. While mom is here I plan to stay paleo but with a few safe alternatives to wheat and dairy snacks. - paleofied foods - When mom leaves at the end of the month I want to go very strict again to feel much much better. I cant go back to eating wheat dairy or sugar again. Next time I want some cheaty type snacks - I plan to only indulge in paleofied snacks and stay far away from wheat.

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Starting to feel better ^_^

Got the wheat out of my diet and the dairy.....Still having a bit of chocolate and sweet stuff. The pain and indigestion is going away. Some of my joints are still a bit achy but the real pain has ebbed. The pain and agony was out of this world ... its amazing how aweful it was. It was a similar experience over christmas. Hopefully it was enough to remind me why I have to stay away from wheat and dairy during those times of temptation, when I am at a get together and everyone else is enjoying the yummy looking wheat and dairy products. Remember!!! Its NOT WORTH THE PAIN!!!

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