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My Very 1st Whole30

Andrea Willibey

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I started my very 1st Whole30 yesterday, June 17. I'm pretty excited so far, minus the fact that I've had a horrible headache all day today and I felt pretty weak during my workout! However, I have a great CrossFit coach that reassured me it's just part of the process.

I've been reading my "It Starts With Food" since I received it on Friday & it's packed with so much great information. I do have one concern and if anyone has been in the same boat that could help me out - I would be extremely appreciative!

I am currently in Nursing School, but this summer I am working 2 jobs - I work a lot of nights 7p to 7a or 11p to 7a. I will also have day shifts thrown into the mix too - and it's not uncommon for me to work 16 hours and maybe only get 4 or 5 hours of sleep. =( I know that's not good and so does my body - it doesn't happen very often, but it does happen maybe once or twice a month. I guess my concern is that it's going to completely erase or be counterproductive to the change in my diet that I'm trying to accomplish.

Any suggestions or comments are MUCH appreciated!



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