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First Whole30 - From Day One


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Hahaha I really love spicy foods... I do have avocados that I bought this week for spooning it out and eating it plain, but I make guac each week because it adds flavor and fat to every meal!

And I have heard of bulletproof coffee; however, I am afraid I will sensitive to the taste.... Does it taste good? I have been drinking coffee black for years so I have no idea how to put ghee into it.

bulletproof coffee is easy...if you do want to try it, just put a spoon of ghee or coconut oil into the blender and add a mug of coffee, blend until emulsified...YUMMM.

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It sounds delicious but does it affect the heat of the coffee? I like PIPING hot coffee... I guess I could put it in the microwave. So it actually affects the taste... hmm interesting. And so much fat added to it to.... I am going to try it tomorrow. Do you use virgin or extra virgin coco oil? I only have virgin which has a pretty strong taste.

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Here's what I do when I make it. I heat the mug and the blender cup with hot tap water. Then I make the mug of coffee. Dump the hot water out of the blender. Spoon the T of ghee and T of coconut oil (virgin) in and blend for 15-20 seconds. Be sure to cover lid with a dish towel. It wants to explode. Stays piping hot if you heat everything up. :)

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So, my sleeping still isn't worked out - I will be patient because I know from experience is does happen at some point! I was in bed by 9:15pm; however, I was having trouble falling asleep... I rolled over and checked the time and it was 10:30pm! Oh no! Anyway, I set my alarm for 7am... but alas, I woke up at 6:30am. It's weird because I know my body is tired from all the changes and physical activity I have added in.

Yesterday was an interesting day. I woke up at 7am, I ate some gf beef over greens with guac and pico, couldn't finish it though. I then hit the trails for that 2.5 mile hike. It was definitely easier, a lot easier.... but I was visualizing a me that could easier walk up this mountain. Again, I know this time will come. A little bit later, I hit the gym again and did isolation exercises and the rowing machine..... aiya. After that, I could barely walk to my room. I drank up three water bottles, but I was so tired I thought I could take a nap. (I tried but I was too stressed about it having to be 20 mins) My roommate said I shocked my body into exercise, because I wasn't doing it before, and I need to pace myself. I don't know how to do that... I went to the gym three times and hiking three times in one week. Seems normal but I guess my body needs some time to recoup because I have been sore for days.

My cravings are getting under control. My roommate had a friend over and made chicken alfredo, which I love. Didn't even care as I sat talking to them... I had NO desire to eat it. I guess the only cravings that really remain strong and intact are the ones I have for sweet, chocolatey things, baked goods.... but my self-will to overcome this addiction to sugar is pretty strong. It has carried me this far, and I won't let it take me down.

Can't believe I am on Day 9! Tomorrow marks 1/3 of this journey because I possibly extend it. People are already commenting that I lost weight - we'll see I guess :)

Day 8 Food Log

Breakfast: gf beef over greens with pico and guac

Lunch: two chicken legs with .5 cup roasted broc

Dinner: two chicken legs with.5 cup roasted broc

Yeah, I know I didn't eat much. I wasn't hungry. And I am honestly not that hungry now. Ha.

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Oh, side note - had my first food hallucination. I was outside doing a booth with my on campus organization, and there was another table that had a red and white sign... I looked over and did a double take because I thought it was boxes of Dominos pizzas stacked on each other.

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maybe hiking and going to the gym on the same day is a bit much for your body...give yourself a day of rest once or twice a week and alternate between hiking and going to the gym on different days...it's usually best to give yourself at least 1 day of rest.

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I agree. I rested on Sunday, and just did activities with my friends around town, but you're probably rights about doing too much on one day. I know at some point that 2.5 mile hike won't be as difficult, but I really love hiking for the invigoration and beauty of nature so it's hard for me to continually view it as part of my exercise routine. I dunno... I might make hiking a weekend activity so it would feel more relaxed and save the gym for the week days.

Thanks for all your encouragement, Simone. I hope you are doing well this morning!

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i love hiking as well, i can't wait for the weather up here to improve so i can start taking my kids for our long walks and/or hikes on weekends again. i noticed that i've been so sedentary for the last few years (other than the walks that i take with the kids in nice weather) that i have to include everything from 15 minutes of spinning poi to a 45 minute belly dance session to a half hour walk as a work out...as you build strength and endurance that could change, i know it does with me once i am back in the habit.

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I ended up not following up at night like I usually do. For once, yesterday was a STRESSFUL day at work, and by the time I got home around 8pm, I went straight to bed. This morning I woke up at 6:10am, and I was like.... what? I wanted to take this morning since I am free until noon to sleep in an let my body rest, because honestly, it hasn't been feeling so hot. I feel worse the last two days than any of the previous days I have been on Whole30. I feel achy and tired and my mood hasn't been positive. Yesterday, I woke up and felt physically sick at the thought of eating my whole and clean food. I barely made it through breakfast, ate a little bit of lunch, and couldn't even stomach dinner. I just feel... blah.... yuck....

I know the Whole30 mileage is different for everyone - we all experience different realities as our bodies go through changes. And I know I just need to be patient and preserver until my body hits that 'magic' point, but it is difficult living in the meantime. I do think one positive change are my cravings - aside from a few, oh man... I could use some french fries right about now.... I haven't been tempted by noncompliant foods. Last night, I held a multi-cultural event where there were tons of foods from around the globe, mostly carb based. And as I walked past each, I thought, you know... this probably tastes great, but I have no desire to eat it. Hooray!

Today marks the 1/3 point of this first part of my journey. I know I am getting prepared to take on the Paleo lifestyle long term and to seek health. 10 days ago, this journey seemed long and tiresome... and 10 days in with only 20 to go, I am so glad to took the risk. My body feels stronger, I am sleeping better, and aside from some minor hiccups being worked out, I have an overall change in outlook.

Day Nine Log

Breakfast: three chicken legs, roasted asparagus, small pile of greens with half avocado

Lunch: grilled chicken over romaine with pico and guac and sliced tomatoes

Dinner: nothing :(

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So I ended up not eating breakfast either cause I just wasn't feeling so hot - so instead I scoured some Paleo blogs for a compliant recipe that was new to my palate since I believe that eating the same things over and over is causing me to resent food. I picked a seafood chowder from Everyday Paleo that I have before...

So quick pause: the guy that got me into this whole thing years ago is the staffworker for the ministry I am involved in at my college. We have quickly become really great friends, and he and his wife are all natural, gardening, half-a-cow buying, never had to go to the doctor people that I totally want to be. And I lived with them over the summer and babysit their kids all the time. We'll they eat roughly 100% Paleo, and there are always amazing foods that they cook for me when I babysit. This seafood chowder was one of them.

This guy just got done with his Jan. Whole30, and gave me tips on cooking it because honestly, the reason why I make the same things is partly because of money, but mostly because I have had SO MANY KITCHEN FAILS that I am terrified to make things that are slightly out of the the classic: slice, season, fry up in a pan, serve. But I took a risk and...

three paragraphs later I am still talking about this seafood chowder haha.

Anyway, it was delicious. On my second bowl and feeling WAY better but considering skipping class. Haha. We'll see though because it starts at 1pm. Anyways.... today is a work out day, but I am letting my body rest because it hasn't been feeling so good :(

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Well today is drawing to a close, and with it I am feeling a little down.

I had a rough day in the sense that I was REALLY tired for the most part of the afternoon. Maybe because my sleep schedule is messed up, I don't know but it's been hard trying to make it through the past couple days. Keeping my head up that tomorrow with be better! :)

Food Log Day 10

Breakfast: none

Lunch: two medium bowls seafood chowder

Dinner: one bowl of seafood chowder

See y'all tomorrow -- it is another day!

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Today is Day 11.

Today is one step closer, one step easier, one step stronger in the direction of my goals.

Today I will breathe in strength, power, and self-acceptance.

Today I will change my life.

If you have been reading, (I don't blame you if you haven't ;) ) these past few days have been a little bit difficult because I have been feeling lethargic and little sick at times. I haven't been able to work out, and I have been feeling emotionally sad and at times, angry. But when viewed from the perspective of life change, days like that are just speed bumps that keep me traveling forward at a safe, consistent speed. Last night I slept somewhere between 8-9 hours I think, and this morning brings another day - another day to look forward to freedom.

Tomorrow I have a day off, so I am going to spend it hiking and being outdoors, and I want to take a journal with me or something so I can reevaluate my experience and my goals and how I want to spend the rest of Whole30. I feel like with foods and exercise I have been staying in my 'safe' zone, and I want to go out and try new things - new foods, new experiences.

Anyway, we'll see what happens!!!

Excited to face the day!

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Journaling is fabulous, esp. if you are trying to work through some emotions stuff! ((hugs)) keep up the great work.

I love to journal - because so much of this process is online, I have a secret blog where I basically write to myself about how I am feeling. It is definitely a great source of comfort and relief. ((hugs)) Thanks for all the love and encouragement!


This was a great day! It was beautiful outside, and I left work early to enjoy the sunshine. I had pretty consistent energy levels for the majority of the day, but then I had a random burst of absolute tiredness that lasted for about 30 minutes. Then I was completely fine. It was weird. Anyway.... my outlook has definitely improved, but I feel like I am stressing over food too much. It occurred to me that I may have had too many carbs in the seafood chowder because I used one GIANT yam, and I had this weird nervous feeling like I cheated all day. Haha. I ended up finishing off the chowder for breakfast and lunch today, so I have had a larger intake of carbs these past two days. AND I had an apple as a snack while my boyfriend ate Rosa's Pizza right in front of my face. So that is another pretty sugary meal. And so I kept stressing.... and then I realized....

This whole thing isn't just about losing weight - I don't have to freak out every time I eat a sweet potato. (Unless I eat them constantly, of course.) I am doing to love myself and to love food. I need to develop a healthier relationship with myself - I am doing this to release the woman captive to food addiction and emotional eating. I am doing this to realize my own strength and to take on new physical challenges that I have denied my body of doing. And I am doing this to develop a healthier relationship with food! Food brings life and nourishment, and I want to learn how to love food in a way that fills me with that life and nourishment. I want to experiment with new flavors, and continue learning how to cook, and to spend hours gazing at beautiful locally grown veggies. I want the REAL me to shine, and I want REAL food in my life.

And if that means my body reaches its healthiest weight, great :) Bring it on. I loved that seafood chowder, and I was so proud of myself for making it. I will enjoy real, whole food and not stress about it anymore.

By the way, I made delicious chicken zucchini soup for dinner!


Go me!

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Good morning to everyone!! Today is my free day... What will I choose to do with it?? Haha.

So I went to bed around 9:30ish, and I downloaded an app called Sleep Cycle because I have read about it in some Paleo blogs/forums. I realize it isn't au naturale, but it is supposed to work with your body's natural sleep cycle to find the best time to wake you up within a 30 minute time frame. I am going to try it out over a week and see how it works!

I did wake up with some minor neck pain, which comes from my sleeping position. SO, confession of a lifetime here: I still sleep with my Blankie. I have had Blankie since those fleeting moments following my birth 22 years ago, and I haven't slept a night without it. It is has traveled with me to over six countries and college. Haha. So I sleep with under my neck, and I curl up with it with it over my hands. Hard to explain, but basically I use it under my neck as I sleep on my side... have been doing this my whole life. I have tried just using the pillow, but I am not used to the feeling and can't do it. But I know Blankie is causing me neck pain each morning by pushing my neck up all night. What a dilemma. Haha.

Anyway, today is a new day! Day 12 of an indefinite Whole30! May joy be on all of you!

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Just wondering... isn't that coffee with butter? Do you use ghee or coco oil to make it W30 compliant? or are you buying something that is already premixed?

i make mine with just black coffee and coconut oil, and toss it in the blender for a good Whirrrr to emulsify it...some people use ghee or a combo of ghee and coconut oil.

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emmie, i love what you had to say about your relationship to food up above. also, have you read much about sleep posture...Mark Sisson wrote several articles about it in Mark's Daily Apple...http://www.marksdailyapple.com/improve-sleep-posture/#axzz2MxLS3ZCe. it may be worth reading some of it...he also mentions several books on the subject...i find that when i sleep in one of the postures mentioned and lengthen my back i seem to fall asleep faster and sleep a little sounder with less pain upon waking, but i don't always remember to do so..you can probably keep blankie, if you work at modifying your sleep posture some. i had my "foot blankie" until i was in my late 20's...i had to have this hand knit blanket that my grandma had made me as a baby over my feet to sleep (i always hated the feeling of sheets on my toes, and my "foot blankie" made it feel better). :)

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emmie, i love what you had to say about your relationship to food up above. also, have you read much about sleep posture...Mark Sisson wrote several articles about it in Mark's Daily Apple...http://www.marksdailyapple.com/improve-sleep-posture/#axzz2MxLS3ZCe. it may be worth reading some of it...he also mentions several books on the subject...i find that when i sleep in one of the postures mentioned and lengthen my back i seem to fall asleep faster and sleep a little sounder with less pain upon waking, but i don't always remember to do so..you can probably keep blankie, if you work at modifying your sleep posture some. i had my "foot blankie" until i was in my late 20's...i had to have this hand knit blanket that my grandma had made me as a baby over my feet to sleep (i always hated the feeling of sheets on my toes, and my "foot blankie" made it feel better). :)

That's so cute!!! And makes me feel better too! Haha. I am not the only person that had their Blankie for an extended period of time. Haha. Well, I know that Whole30 Daily talked about best sleep positions, and I have read some on Mark's.... but honestly, it is really hard for me to adjust my sleeping position. Whole30 said to sleep on your back with firm pillow... but that is a HUGE adjustment for someone who has trouble sleeping to begin with to move from side to back. Haha. Any tips?

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If you are a side sleeper it's really hard to change...try laying on your back and lengthening your spine...see if you can get used to that or comfortable with it...but if you can't then try to keep your spine as long and straight as possible while on your side...as side sleepers often curl and hunch, that's what causes the most neck/shoulder/back pain, so keeping more lengthened often helps alleviate that pain to some extent...it's a trial and error thing. i have been trying to sleep on my back more, or if i do sleep on my side i try to lengthen the spine as much as possible and i often find myself sleeping on my back now more than when i first started trying it out.

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Thanks, Simone! I'm gonna try that tonight!!! :)

So, Day 12! This is getting exciting! I am almost halfway thru the first part of my Whole30 journey!

Some things I noticed during my reevaluation and journaling:

  • I no longer have intense cravings for sugar or foods from a past life. I do have moments of longing, particularly when it is right in front of me, but even placing a donut two inches from my face isn't enough to make me actually want to eat it.
  • I have STOPPED SNACKING. Oh my gosh! This was crazy to me, especially since I am such a boredom-eater. The fact that I have no desire to pull out some nuts or fruit (if I had any) to get me through those quiet moments at work or life is so amazing! I feel like a normal human, eating only when I'm hungry :D Yay!
  • I have been sleeping 8-9 hours and waking up before 8am every morning. This is also a crazy thing, because if you knew me in real life... I LOVEEEEE to stay up late, and I love to sleep! Unless I had work the next morning, my sleeping routine was usually 1-3am until 12-3pm. Who knew so much could happen before noon!? I love this!!
  • I'm moving. Again, this is something I haven't done much of since early high school. I have been going to the gym... which is cool in itself, but I have also been outside hiking and walking and thinking and playing. I forgot how much I love being outside!
  • I think I'm losing weight - not 100% sure without the scale. But my stomach and face are showing it the most. And my clothes are fitting a bit better each day. Praise the Lord!

Anyway, these are some of the positives I have been coming up during my day. I am really excited about the future, and my little turn for the worst the last few days is starting to even itself out.

So recap for the day - today was the first gorgeous day all winter long here in Atlanta. A cloudless sky, temps in the mid 60s, and a mild breeze. I hits the trails early morning and had a true victory - I climbed the entire 2.5 mile trail without needing to stop and catch my breath one time. THIS IS AMAZING! The first time I hiked this last week I need 6-7 stops.... and the second and third time about 4-5 stops. But for some reason, I did the whole thing without needing to rest for a moment. And even in moments of intensity, it wasn't nearly as bad as the previous times. This kept me happy all day!

Next, I went to my favorite coffee shop on the river and ordered an Americano (decaf!) and got some vitamin as I read one of my favorite books. I ended up getting burned pretty badly on just one side of my body so I look weird. I then went home for some grub (chicken zoodle soup) and then my boyfriend and I visited Piedmont Park and playing frisbee and walked around instead of going to the gym.. opps :rolleyes: But I didn't want to be inside a smelly gym, I wanted outside time! Haha.

Then we visited our favorite burger shop in all of Atlanta which is a staple of the Paleo community here - Farm Burger. I got a delicious lettuce wrapped burger with nothing on it and some greens - these greens were similar to southern style collard greens but they were spicy. I wondered what was in them - hoping I didn't cheat the system unknowingly again. But it was a better option than the fries and sp fries. So overall, a great day! I am visiting my family for a big part of tomorrow and Sunday, and I am going to bring some food home (not Paleo at all, but tossing the idea around for months) so I won't starve or give in. Wish me luck!

BTW - this is a random thought, but I also think denying my body sugar has led me to have Spiderman-like senses for tasting it. There is a Trader Joes pasta sauce that is gluten free, organic, and all the ingredients listed are compliant and basic - I have never thought twice about it in the past. But when I made spaghetti for a party (with some serious self control) I got some on my finger, and I licked off.... it tasted like pure sugar. So much so it grossed me out. It was weird because I have eaten this stuff like once a week in prior times, and it never bothered.

I'm gonna shut up now. Night!

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