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And my Whole30 infection is ..... PINK EYE!

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Oy. I don't know if it's a typical Whole30 infection, or if this was destined to happen anyway, but I contracted pink eye. Yucko. I have 2 small children, and my husband has been away for 5 days for business. If there were ever a time when I could self-justify falling off the wagon, it's been this week. For pity's sake, I'm miserable, don't I just DESERVE a doughnut? Or a sandwich? Or something?

But I didn't do it, because I just kept thinking that the last thing I needed this week was to add food guilt to my pile of woes. Also, I am so thankful that my immune system is able to focus on that infection rather than try to function under the constant assault of chronic system inflammation.

Interestingly, I got it in one eye and about 24 hours later the other. The first eye was finished with the really miserable part in about 24 hours and has moved on to mild discomfort. The second eye was raging for 2 days (albeit a bit less on day 2 than on day 1) and today, day 3, it's still sore. I wonder if my system was able to attack the first infection with everything it had, and the second infection less effectively because it was still busy with the first. Does it work like that (anyone a nurse out there?)? I'm asking because I feel that if I weren't in week 3 of a Whole30, I think the first eye would have been much worse, and the second unbearable.

Anyway, I just had to whine. THAT I feel I do deserve!

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Hi Maggie, I'm an Optometrist and fellow Whole 30er. I am sure that you would have gotten the eye infection anyway. You most likely got it from one of your children, especially if they are in school or daycare. If not, who knows, there are all types of bugs going around this time of year. Typically bacterial and viral infections tend to begin in one eye and move quickly to the other. I doubt you being on W30 has anything to do with your symptoms good or bad. It sounds like you may need to make a visit to your local eye doctor if it doesn't get any better in a day or two.

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I am in my 4th day and contracted double pink-eye yesterday! I definitely got it from my hubby, who came down with it last Friday. He has been on his antibiotic drops since Monday and still has redness and irritation. Day two for me with antibiotic drops that I started yesterday afternoon, and my eyes are white and free from irritation. He is not a Whole30 follower. He is a candy monster. And a processed food monster. I am thinking the same thing as you stated above, that my immune system (along with the antibiotics) is able to fight the infection better. Or maybe it's because I got meds the same day I saw the infection...

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