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Day 0. I lost my resolve on my first day of vacation and gave in to a glass of wine. I'm not going to let this completely derail me. I'm planning doing some off-roading while on vacation and using the tools to help me decide whether it's worth it or not to go off plan. Beginning the 25th I'll re-commit 100% and complete a Whole 90 leading up to the Whistler Tough Mudder in June.

I have a Half Marathon this morning, so it's off to the races for me ;)

I'll be back to log my meals as I can through vacation.

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I'm back! Not from vacation but back from pretending I can eat and drink whatever I choose while I'm on vacation. I fell off the wagon on the very first night and I've been off for 6 days. I've had lots of drinks and lots of junk and I'm ready to clean it up because I'm feeling pretty crappy. Starting today I'm back on W30+.

The Half Marathon was amazing, Florida is such a beautiful place. It was a personal best for me but it also was all flat which I'm not used to, that was really nice. The weather is not the greatest since we've been here and that's putting a bit of a damper on things but still a great trip nonetheless. I'm here for 7 more days and I'm going to stay on track for them. I've been beating myself up pretty bad for going off plan to the extent that I did but now I'm back and I'm going to turn it around. Thanks for checking in with me Shelley.

Planned workout today - 10K walk am & maybe hit the gym for a group fitness class

Planned food -

Black Coffee x 2 cups at 4:30am

Breakfast - 2 eggs, 3sl bacon, 2 fists mixed greens, 1/2 sweet potato cooked in coconut oil.

Lunch - Can tuna mashed with avocado on mixed greens with fist of red grapes.

Dinner - Chicken and mixed vegetables.

I'll check back in later to confirm my plan worked out.

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Thanks shelley. I have been terrible over the past several days but I truly am getting back on track today. I'm not signing up for any specific term yet, I'll start with 30 and see how it goes. One thing is clear, I'm not ready to peddle on my own. I cannot trust myself to off-road yet. So back at it beginning today and I'm really looking forward to it, looking forward to feeling great again.

We are headed to the water park today so I'm not going to do much by way of exercise before heading there.

Day 0 - Planned Meals - I'll check back in later to true up my plan to actual.

6:30am - Coffee

8:30am - 2 Eggs, Mixed Greens, Avocado

Noon - Sliced Chicken, Apple Slices, Almonds

Dinner - Steak, Veggies

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Yesterday went pretty good. I ate as planned but I did have 2 Cayman Jack's Margaritas. I expect today to be similar. Tomorrow I'll be travelling home and back on plan 100%. I already feel better today after having had one good day of nutrition.

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I'm back at home and ready to jump into Whole 30 with both feet now that vacation is over. I was thinking of starting another log thread but looking back over the entries on this one was pretty cool this morning. It was certainly interesting to compare how I felt when I was on program and just getting the beginning of tiger blood to how I felt when I went off track.

I don't want to say I'm doing Whole 60 or Whole 90 at this point because I don't want it to seem overwhelming but I have my suspicions, based upon my failed attempt at off-roading while on vacation, that it's going to take more than 30 for me. I'll start with 30 and definitely will be open to more if that's what it takes, I'll figure it out when I get to 30.

So, today is Day One.

I woke up at 2:30 am because of the time change in travelling back to the west coast, forced myself to sleep until 4:30 am. I'm going to be really tired later but should get over this by Saturday.

Planned Workout this morning: 45 minute Bootcamp (KT)

Planned Meals - I'll check back in later to true up to Actual.

4:45am - Black Coffee

7:15am - 2 eggs, Lettuce, Cucumber slices, Blueberry Muffin Larabar

Noon - Premade Paleo Apple Braised Pork, Beets, Collard Greens

6pm - Chicken Leg, Sweet Potato, Strawberries & grapes

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Day One again. I can't believe what a hard time I'm having getting back on the Whole 30 wagon. I really do owe it to myself to honor this commitment and complete a full Whole 30. I'm trying to remember how great I felt on Day 14 and hoping that I can get back to that place.

It's crazy busy at work and that's one more reason to get back onto Whole 30 and harness my energy. Camping season is right around the corner and I want to have completed a full Whole 30 before that starts. There are so many reasons why now is the right time.

Yesterday I found myself thinking about buying a scale again and I also went on MyFitnessPal. I know that isn't the right answer for me and I need to cut it out because I also know what the right answer is. Whole 30.

So, here I go again. Today is Day One. Luckily I've cleared the house of the things that tempt me with the exception of a nice bottle of wine that I bought last night. I'm going to take that bottle of wine and put it away for the end. I'm working through Easter week-end but I am going to buy a local turkey today and cook it tomorrow, I will make it Whole 30 style so it will be compliant. I'm looking forward to prepping that meal.

The next big event that I'm training for is a 1/2 Marathon - Run for Water - 5/25 - 57 days away. I need to ramp my running back up again starting tomorrow. Today I'm planning to do a Bootcamp, though I don't feel very good because I drank too much yesterday and I stayed up too late. I am going to suck it up and do my planned workout. It's going to be nice out so I'm going to take a walk as well.


Black Coffee

Breakfast -

2 Eggs fried in coconut oil

2 Slices Uncured Bacon

1/2 Sweet Potato baked in coconut oil

2 cups mixed organic greens

1/2 banana with coconut milk, coconut flakes and a few cashews

Lunch -

2 cups of baby spinach

1 cup of mushrooms

Rib Eye Steak left over from last night

1/2 banana with coconut milk, coconut flakes and a few cashews

Dinner -

3 Lambchops

6 sticks of asparagus

1 cup of strawberries, 1 cup of cantaloupe, 1/2 premade paleo trail mix

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Back on track. Day 1 complete! Moving on to Day 2. It feels great!

Those sugar demons are back in full force, I'm going to have to really watch the fruit over the next few days to conquer that. First task at hand, eliminate dried fruit until I get past the sugar cravings. Second, limit fruit servings to 2 per day.

It's Easter Sunday today and I'm planning to work most of the day, however, I'm also preparing a nice compliant turkey dinner. Looking forward to having those leftovers for work lunches all week.

Up at 5am - phew! that was a big sleep. 10 hours. I guess I needed it.

Black Coffee

Walk 6km.

Breakfast -

2 eggs fried in coconut oil

2 slices uncured bacon

2 fists of mixed greens

1/2 sweet potato baked in coconut oil

Lunch -

Turkey Neck, 1 Lamb Chop

2 fists of mixed greens, Cucumber, Blueberries, Lemon Juice

Cantaloupe, Grapes

Dinner -

Roasted Turkey Leg, 1/2 turkey wing

Roasted Beets, Cabbage, Green Beans, Carrot in Olive Oil

I ate too much today because I feel too full. Tomorrow morning I'll be doing a nice big run and paying a lot more attention to portion control.

I am on track and compliant today. Moving on to day 3 tomorrow!

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Day 3. I slept great last night, full 8 hours and woke up naturally at 5am. My stomach is still a bit messed up from overeating yesterday, hopefully I'm not getting the bug that my husband has.

I am feeling very good about being on track. Reading the posts of others who actually finished in March and those from the Whole 100 thread is quite inspiring. I'm looking forward to what I'm going to learn along the way this time and seeing what my results will be when I actually complete what I've signed up to do (for myself).

Starting the day with a cup of black coffee followed by a 8km run.

Breakfast -

2 Eggs Boiled

1 Avocado

1 Tomato

1 fist of mixed organic greens

Lunch -

Turkey Breast

Spinach and Roasted veggies leftover


Pistachios & dates

Dinner -

Turkey Leg




Came home pretty hungry and feel like I overate.

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Day 4 -

Soooo good to be back on track. By next Monday I'll be on Day 10 already and by next Saturday Day 15 - I expect this to be a very rough patch as I start winding down from a busy period at work and it's a week-end and I've never gotten past this point before. I WILL be prepared. I WILL get through it.

Planned workout today - Bootcamp am, Walk pm

Breakfast -

2 boiled eggs

1/2 avocado

1 tomato

Lunch -

Premade Paleo - Lime Chicken Thighs, Green Beans, Pureed Cauliflower

Dates & Pistachios

Dinner -


sweet potato

Strawberries & grapes

I did end up watching tv. I need to cut that out, I'll work on it again tomorrow.

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Great job!! I think being prepared is the answer to your (mine, our) success. So what's your plan for day 10-15?

I have not been planning. I didn't even do the goal sheet. So Im going to do that tomorrow.

Hope tomorrow is great!

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Great job!! I think being prepared is the answer to your (mine, our) success. So what's your plan for day 10-15?

I have not been planning. I didn't even do the goal sheet. So Im going to do that tomorrow.

Hope tomorrow is great!

Hi Almcc, Thanks so much for the support!

I tend to do OK during the week without too much effort, it's when the week-end hits that I find myself in trouble. I already know where my biggest challenge is going to be - Day 14&15. I'll be delivering a big project and it will be very stressful at work, typically I'd follow that with treats in the form of garbage food and alcohol.

I know that substitutes work to some extent - i.e. having paleo hot wings instead of pub food, having Kombucha instead of wine, making some nice drinks with sparkling water and fruit, etc... however, I also know that I'll fail if that's all I'm doing to support myself. My husband will be drinking alcohol and he will encourage me to do the same if I'm stressed out. So...that means I need to make a commitment to do something important to me early Saturday and Sunday morning with someone that requires me to be active and feel good. I'll keep that in mind when I'm feeling temptation and that should get me through it.

Saturday 13th I'm committing to Tough Mudder training in the early morning with my team so that should keep me straight on Friday. I'm looking for something on Sunday that isn't training related, if I make it training related I'll justify going off the wagon on Saturday night with "oh, I've already done so much" kind of thinking. Maybe a shopping trip with my daughter or downhill skiing or something, I need to firm this plan up over the next few days.

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Day 5

I had another solid sleep.

Planned workout today: Rest day - walk in the pm


2 Boiled Eggs

Cucumber Slices

Baby Carrots

3 slices uncured bacon


Salad with - Tuna, Avocado, Mixed Greens,Tomato, Cucumber,Grapes

Dates & Pistachios


Crockpot roast with celery, onions, carrots

Strawberries & Grapes

I still feel like I'm eating too much and I haven't conquered the evening TV habit. The dates and pistachios are more like a snack than part of lunch and I need to eliminate those. I also need to pay attention to portion guidelines at dinner. I'll work on the TV habit next week, I actually will have to be more productive in the pm because schedules are changing so necessity will help with my goal of breaking this habit.

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Day 6

Phew! I made it. It was a stressful day yesterday and I really wanted to treat myself with a drink last night but I didn't and I'm better off for it today :) I got home from work late last night and as a result went to bed later. I had to cut my sleep by an hour so that I could still get up and do my bootcamp this morning. It will be worth it but I'm feeling really tired right now.

Workout - Bootcamp

Planned meals:

Black Coffee

Breakfast -

2 eggs

3 sl bacon

1/2 sweet potato


Lunch -

Leftover Potroast

Carrots, Celery, Onion


DATES & PISTACHIOS - Need to stop this!

Dinner -

Chicken legs


Strawberries & Grapes

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HeatherM- Your breakfast sounds delicious - I tend to have eggs, sweet potato and spinach. I just ordered bacon - cannot wait.

Sounds like things are going well. I am still bogged down - eating ok - but not doing any real planning, menu or otherwise. I know it's going to backfire soon. Luckily the next few weeks are quiet.

Hope tomorrow is a good one!

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Day 7 - After today one week will be complete! Awesome!

Slept 9 hours

Up at 5:30 - black coffee

Breakfast -

2 eggs

3 sl bacon

organic greens

Lunch -

organic greens




chicken breast

olive oil & balsamic

Dinner -

I'll fill this in later when I know what it is. Nothing planned.

Planned workout was a am run but it's pouring out so I'm skipping it, I'll try to squeeze something in later.

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